Web Source East

Yesterday I was at the Web Source East conference at the King’s Centre in Norwich.  And all told it was alright. Not brilliant, but alright.  I’m going to write more about it over on my company site, but thought I’d put a brief review here as well, just for the hell of it.

I think I’d probably have been more impressed if it had been a bit more organised. For a conference based on web stuff, it’s a bit of a worry to go in and be checked off with bits of paper, no tech in sight at all. It’s even more of a worry when it takes them the whole morning to sort out internet access over the wireless network.

Those niggle aside though, it was a pretty good day.

For me there wasn’t a mass of new stuff to take away from the conference, but there was enough to keep it interesting, so that’s all OK then. Some interesting ideas and bits, and it’s always good to see what other people are saying about the same subjects.