Building Work
Posted: Tue 12 February, 2008 Filed under: Domestic, Getting Organised Leave a comment »After a wait that seemed interminable, our builder should be arriving today to start work on sorting out our bathroom.
Currently, the toilet is separate from the bathroom, and both rooms are bloody horrible. I need only mention ‘avocado bathroom suite’ to get most people cringing, let alone also mentioning the floor-to-ceiling green tiles on all walls in both rooms, and the blockwork shower stall that is just about big enough for me to move my elbows.
So the rooms will be knocked together, with the dividing wall coming completely out. All the tiles will go, and the shower stall is being knocked out too. One of the windows will be bricked over (which is also preparation for when/if we do the bedroom extension) so that the shower can be put on that wall, which will just make everything a lot more sensible. Oh, and where the shower stall currently is will be turned into a storage cupboard – storage space being the thing that is in the shortest supply in this house.
The new bathroom suite is getting delivered on the 21st so I’m just hoping that the nevessary building work doesn’t break anything fundamental in the mean time. Although of course if it does we’ll just have to sort something out to deal with it.
I’m just glad that it’s all finally happening – we’ve been wanting this work to happen since we moved in!