Posted: Tue 30 January, 2007 Filed under: Customer Services, Geeky, Thoughts 2 Comments »So, today Microsoft launches its new Operating System, Vista™. Whoopee-Doo.
Will I be going for Vista™? Hell no – and there’s a few reasons why.
First of all, I’m just not one of those people who simply has to have the latest greatest newest versions. Hell, I only started using XP on my home computers last year. Until then, Windows 2000 had done me very nicely indeed, thank you. In fact, I still don’t like a lot of XPs ‘features’, although I’m getting used to them.
Secondly, as with every other Microsoft OS, the first release will be a bug-fest. It’ll be horrific, and it’ll piss off a lot of people – particularly those who’ve paid to be able to ‘upgrade’ (I use that term *very* loosely!) as soon as Vista is released, and then find that various odds and sods Just Don’t Work. In my opinion, you’re always best to wait ’til at least the first Service Pack has come out, which will fix most of the major bugs. But I also despise the Microsoft attitude where you pay for software, and are still effectively a beta-tester of the OS. That just sucks.
Thirdly, there’s all the DRM (Digital Rights Management) that’s built in to Vista – and that’s something I really object to. In fact, that’s a whole different rant, but basically why the hell should I have limitations on something I’ve bought, and decide I want to listen to on my PC, or MP3 player, or wherever – and why the hell would I buy a piece of software that enforces rights management on items I’ve legally paid for?
So, three good reasons why I have no intention of upgrading to Vista until its absolutely necessary for me to do so. Which, by my reckoning, will be somewhere around 2011.
I’m on Win2K by day, WinXP by night, reasonably “happy” (as happy as you can be with a M$ product) and see no reason to change. Have no spare dosh anyway. But I came across an interesting article by Brian Livingston, “Get Vista upgrade, never pay full price “ earlier on how to avoid paying the full price and the ethics of doing so.
ever tried an alternative? mac? linux ?
if u get the latest suse u have pretty much everything u need and can get used to it…