Posted: Mon 31 July, 2006 Filed under: Domestic, Photography, Thoughts 1 Comment »One interesting thing we did over the weekend was spend some time going through some of the photo files/archives I’ve got from the last three years. The sheer number of photos is really quite scary, and I should perhaps consider killing/deleting some of the older ones.
Or, of course, I could just do a back-up of them, and dump them all to a DVD. That’d be sensible. But no, instead I suspect I’m far more likely to just keep them all on the hard-drive, although I do have a back-up of them on another portable hard-drive too. But it’s interesting to see the way my photography has improved and changed over the years – I’ve been taking photos properly now for about five years, which is pretty scary in itself – and the way things have changed with the use of different cameras and so on too.
As it was, we were going through trying to find the images we wanted to enter in to a competition, so there was quite a critical eye being used, and many fell by the wayside for just not being technically great, or for the lesser offence of just not being “right”. Whatever that means.
Anyway, in the end we narrowed down the list to about 20. Not good, but not bad either – considering that initially we had a list that numbered into the hundreds. So I’ve ended up running those 20 to Photobox, so we can have 6″x4″ copies of all of them, and then narrow it down from there.
One thing I wanted to ask you, as I’m new to this digital SLR stuff… Do you shoot JPG or RAW images. I understand that RAW images need more post-processing on your computer, but are there quality gains to be made by doing that?