
I do love wireless networks when they work properly. Since moving, and being on NTL, I’d forgotten a lot of the fun that can be had with Wireless – for some reason my existing gear just hated being on a cable modem, and never worked properly. Well, to be fair I’m not sure if it was being on a cable modem that it hated, or the moving process – I suspect it was a bit of both, because a replacement box was fairly tits-up too.

However, since sorting out both the new PC and the Wireless Broadband, it’s been a joy again. I’ve just installed a new PCI card for the wireless networking on the new PC, and it’s gone in fine first time. Since then, I’ve moved down to be on the laptop, stuck in the USB adaptor (that was being used on the new PC ’til I got the PCI card sorted) and zap, it’s all connected up, and everything’s fine.

So now I can connect up quickly and easily using PC, Laptop, PSP, and mobile phone. Plus anything else that’s wireless enabled. And it’s all comfortable and set up nicely.


3 Comments on “Wireless”

  1. matthew says:

    I have no idea why, but my new NTL cable broadband connection is F&%$ing S?@$. Sometimes it works, and works really well. And sometimes it doesn’t. And don’t get me started on trying to get the wireless working.

  2. Daisy says:

    I had the joys of connecting up two desktops (WinXP, Win2K) plus Win98 laptop. Surprisingly they all work (D-Link router, Belkin adaptors) but I have no idea how 😉

  3. Gordon says:

    Right. Which wireless router should I buy? I’ve always had a wireless adapter as I’ve only needed PC to laptop connection. But now I have airport express AND mobile phone AND laptop (soon be two possibly), I’d like to get a proper wireless system setup. Advice?

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