Posted: Fri 20 May, 2005 Filed under: Health, Sweary 16 Comments »Ah good, I hear you cry, another post about dentists. Trust me, it ain’t good.
I’ve just been to my final dentists appointment for the time being, and all I can constructively say at the end of it is that all dentists are cunts. No two ways about it. If they weren’t all sadistic bastards, there would be at least some movement to progress dental equipment in the same way that most other medical systems have improved over the last fourty fucking years.
But no, they still use the same dirty great sodding needle for anaesthetic, the same manky noisy bastard drills, the same little steel picks that slip into gum tissue, everything. So far as I can tell, sod all’s changed in the time I’ve been going to dentists. Ergo they’re sadistic bastards who enjoy doing this shit. Let’s face it, who in their right mind says “Yeah, when I grow up I want to be a dentist.”?
Today’s joyous visit included the epic highlight of an anaesthetic needle in my gum. Not the lip, not the cheek, the fucking gum. Right at the front. And the sod got the place wrong, so I also had anaesthetic fluid run up my sinus into my nose cavity. I can smell the fucking stuff. I can’t feel my nose at all, but I can still smell bastard anaesthetic.
The other jab went into my cheek. Fair enough. It still hurt, but it’s nowt compared to a gum-jab, I can tell you. And the best bit of that one was that it didn’t sodding work. Not a jot. I’m going to get all my normal side-effects from the anaesthetic (flu-like joint pain, and a head that feels like it’s been whacked by a sledgehammer covered in velvet) without the benefit of having it had kill any fucking pain at all.
In the end we went ahead with the second filling without pissing about with any more anaesthetic. It was far easier to do it that way, and only actually hurt when the tosser slipped with his little steel pick. Cunt.
Medical science has come ahead in leaps and bounds over the last half century. Dental science has stayed where it was. And because of that, I can only reiterate, all dentists are sadistic motherfuckers.
How do you think I feel? My dentist used to be a Scottish rugby pro. Trust me, he ENJOYS inflicting pain…
I had my an appointment at the Dental Institute recently, an intial consultation and first step down the road to MAJOR DENTAL SURGERY that will occur soon. Happily, the professor in charge of the project was well fit. Years of dental work has taught me that it’s just so much more bearable when there’s some eye candy in the room to take your mind off the INTENSE PAIN and pointy things. Except that occasional times when they suddenly all put on welding masks.
er, those times, not that times.
I guess that he did not want to offer the 6ft 4 built like a brick s***house guy, the bubblegum flavoured gel that they put on the those little gummies to make it not hurt when the injection goes in, for fear of being punched for daring to suggest that you can’t take it. Glad you survived it though!
I winced repeatedly whilst reading that post. I’m sure that this was the effect that you were intending.
My current dentist (NHS no less – go me!) has MTV on in his surgery while he’s working on you. Having your teeth drilled with Girls Aloud on in the background is a very odd sensation.
I 100% agree all dentists are CUNTS … and mine is a bloody incompetent CUNT and I’m never going back to her again. Having complained about a very sore tooth she smacked it twice to see if it was dead and an hour later when the painkillers wore off I could tell it wasn’t … fucking agony ensued and two days later it had to be pulled. My question is this WHY IN FUCKS NAME WHEN I FIRST WENT DIDN’T SHE GIVE ME SOME ANTIBIOTICS TO CALM THE INFECTION DOWN. Not only are all dentists CUNTS … they are also as bad if not worse than the worst dodgy garages in that they always make more work for them selves in the future by tinkering about in the present. CUNTS AND IMMORAL MONEY GRABBING BASTARDS THATS WHAT DENTISTS ARE
My bitch dentist fitted a crown on my molar tooth without an injection. Rammed the fucking thing in my gum as hard as she could. it didnt fit and my teeth were making cracking noises. It then gets stuck and so she has to get her metal hook and dig it out of my gum. this happened 4 times before it fit and in between, due to the bleeding, she squirts water and air onto my nerve which was agony. Completely agree, dentists are cunts. Sadistic Bastards.
I’m a Dentist! Loved it ! Have to email it to all my friends LOLOLOLOL! Everyone hates you, you have the highest suicide rate and patients are rarely grateful for your help in their neglect. Tomorrow when my patients wince i will fell a little better knowing they hate my guts anyways so don’t loose any sleep. Actually my PATIENTS LOVE ME and i wanted to be a Dentist since I was 5 years old.
Hi everyone, I have been a dentist for past 12 years. I underestant how some people feel about dentistry. Fact of the matter is that todays dentistry is alot different the even 10 years ago. at least here in US there is sedation dentistry available. People could sleep through their entire appointment and wake up when the whole appointment is over. While our patients are sedated we usualy do every thing they need to be done. They don’t even remember anything of the visit. Crowns, rootcanal treatments and fillingsand all is done in as little as one visit without any memory. Please search who does sedation dentistry in your area. you will wake up happyly to a new mouth. Good luck.
I feel your pain. My dentist’s profile asked my worst dental experience. I paid over $25,000.00 for a reconstruction. I found out from a prosthodontist I had TMD (TMD) an improper reconstruction. My dentist became enraged I sought a second opinion. My dentist sedated me without my knowledge or consent (he did not have a current control substance license). He drilled for two hours thru the sole of my molar. He was physically & verbally abusive saying I got what I deserved for seeing another dentist. I begged him to stop & to let me go but he emptied a syringe of a foul smelling substance into my mouth. My dentist said it was the “Smell of your rotten crotch” …”Do you know what a rotten crotch is?” “It’s you!” Sounds unimaginable but weeks later I ended up on life support in septic shock. All my internal organs relocated outside my body resulting in ileus, renal failure & intra abdominal abcess. For 2 years no surgeon could make such a huge repair til DR Soper, Northwestern Memorial Hospital Chicago. I am lucky to be alive but live a life of pain from such a huge repair. My dentist’s criminal mind fulfilled my worst fear by drilling thru my molar…
AHHH yes, sedation dentistry in the USA! In Illinois dentist’s practice while suspended, without a current control substance license & worse…uneducated sedation dentistry & a staff also uneducated in sedation dentistry. If your dentist is not physically & loudly abusive you may wake up with no memory of your molar being drilled in to pieces…all rather than honor a “FREE” crown replacement. Here in Illinois you could “SLEEP” through a dental appointment & your whole life..! Here in Illinois, it could be your lucky day to just wake up…ALIVE!
Patti is so correct about the INCREDIBLY bad dentists in Illinois using sedation dentistry so that they can move from chair to chair without waiting for local anesthesia to work, thereby earning much more money.
The perio’s dental assistant told me to take only half of a sleeping pill for my second implant surgery because I became so ill from them after my first surgery. The doctor was unaware of this, and without my informed consent he had his entire staff come in (office girls too) to watch my surgery (he thought that I wouldn’t remember anything). He explained everything to them, and treated me as if I wasn’t in the room. They had no surgery masks which compromised the sterility of the surgery (I got infections after 2 of my 3 surgeries there). The hallucinagenic effect of the sleeping pill combined with all of the women in the operatory caused me to remember my second horrible car accident which I had absolutely no memory of until that day. I had a horrible nightmare that night and became terrified to sleep. I suffered sever PTSD. This terror and lack of sleep made me suicidal.
When I went to explain this to my periodontist, he said “I wouldn’t care if someone pulled out all of MY teeth”. When I didn’t respond, he said it again with even more nastiness. It turned out that he had put my implants in all wrong, and his two dentist friends had hidden this while stealing over $60K from me. When I asked the perio how I should feel about losing that kind of money he said “Think of it as a home improvement project that went wrong”.
I used the FOIA to get the records of that day and learned that the girl had written in my records “The doctor was very sympathetic to the patient”. That’s how we are treated in the dental chair in Illinoi$. There is NOTHING and NO ONE who advocates for the Illinois dental patient, but worst of all there is no one to warn you about how DESPICABLE things have gotten.
Go to the dentist at your own risk, and whatever you do, don’t believe anything that you read on any website. In fact, use a website as a guide to know who NOT to go to, because I learned that the bad dentists are the ones who have to have the fancy websites. In fact, the website of the perio who said those things has a website that states that he is “caring and knowledgeable.”
Illinois Dental Victim I’m sorry to read your story & that it has taken so long for me to find it.
There should be some system for this site to alert us.
The dentist who found my reconstruction was improperly placed resulting in TMD suggested I sue my dentist. Even offering attorney names.
When he found I suffered septic shock on life support he offered reconstruction from $30,000.00 to $60,000.00. Never promising I wouldn’t have TMD again. He told me to never to call him on Xmas eve in pain.
I don’t call or bother anyone. But I wrapped my head in a heating pad over Xmas. I don’t need a DDS like that.
Talk about going from the frying pan into the fire.
I spent a horrible 2 years with my internal organs outside my body vomiting my own feces. No surgeon could repair me & said I would die.
Northwestern Memorial hosp. saved my life.
Today I still ask DDS’s questions & they still become irate. As though we should remain ignorant & be happy with what they give us.
We can ask any doctor a question but not a “good ol’boy dentist.”
Where are the dentists we can trust?
Don’t trust the Chgo Dentist Society. They told me I’d get my money back but later admitted they couldn’t make any DDS refund anyone’s money. But they can “black ball” a patient in the dental community. Let me know if that happens. With 3 abcsesses I had to change my name.
As far as unprofessional behavior my dentist slapped my face telling me to look at him as he spoke. My dentist was so physically & verbally abusive after a DDS stated I had TMD from that improperly placed reconstruction. His wife & sister often entered the room telling him to stop. When a patient arrived they made my DDS stop his destruction.
Telling me he was putting in a post…he filled the intentionally seved molar with silver amalgam. It wasn’t the first time he stated I recieved a post & I never got it. There were no posts.
My DDS’s office reeked of burn’t human matter. One of the last molars of my lower arch was being intentionally destroyed rather than honor that “FREE” crown replacement.
My DDS stated I got what I deserved for, “Being rude to me but mostly to my staff.”
No one deserves that abuse.
Dentists take an oath, “DO NO HARM!”
But for some reason dentists think they are above the law.
Ask questions & seek the best.
Good Luck.
I was disappointed no one responded to my post. It’s taken 2 long years. I’m happy to read your response but saddened to learn I am not the only one to suffer inferior dentistry here in Illinois. We are out here but no one wants to hear the disgusting truth of Illinois dentistry.
While my dentist intentionally drilled thru one of my last my newly crowned molars, destroying it, he was laughing at my drugged reactions. He told me, “It will be easy for you to find another dentist happy to take your money again.” He was verbally disgusting & physically abusive. I was left bruised & bloody.
He didn’t remove the temp, he blew it off ricocheting like a pinball. “I’m going to teach you a lesson!” He left nothing of the gum surgery or crown lengthening. He left nothing above the gum.
I stated my full mouth recon cost $25,000.00 but I found my recon cost didn’t include half of my lower arch or the unsuccessful root canals & crown. Previously half my lower arch was done in gold. I asked my recon be gold but I was left with dark shadows & black holes. Again he laughed.
Asking questions I was told, “Shut up or I’ll take my reconstruction back..You don’t deserve it!”
My dentist did not honor his root canal or crown guarantees. He did not honor his improperly placed reconstruction resulting in TMD. His filthy care left me with septic shock on life support.
My improperly placed reconstruction cost me well over $30,000.00 plus well over $350,000.00 in medical bills.
I have now spent tens of thousands to orally repair what this dentist did to me.
Honesty & integrity here in Illinois died long ago with honest Abe Lincoln.
It took a long time & more money to find a reputable dentist but today I have a beautiful smile thanks to honest dentists & oral surgeons who take pride in dentistry & believe in the oath they took, “First do no harm.” It took 2 years to find an honest dentist. He was right dishonest dentists took my money & never called back.
My old dishonest dentist still thinks he was within his legal & professional right to destroy not only a viable part of my body but to destroy my life…all because I sought a second opinion. He offered me “anything” not to get that second opinion. I don’t know what “anything” is or what it means. I didn’t know it meant my life.
He also thinks I got what I deserved for causing him “trouble.” Trouble is when you seek a second opinion & report a dentist using narcotics without a current controlled substance license. I hope it also includes intentionally destroying a molar, ignoring infection, TMD & intentionally filing down a patients teeth resulting in collapse.
After my dentist was done with me he informed me my reconstruction collapsed…though I had teeth I was left to look as though I had dentures but didn’t have them in. For over $30,000.00 I was left to look TOOTHLESS.
My dentist called me “Grammaw” & asked, “Where’s your corncob pipe?” He slapped at the “jowls’ he left & demanded, “Look at me!”
When I didn’t look at him he slapped my face. I told him to stop & he drilled 2 hours thru my necrotic molar till my mouth filled with blood severing it. He sealed the severed necrotic molar with silver amalgam. Like a dog.
Some dentists are not real doctors but dangerous maniacs. Sectioning was impossible.
You’re smart not to give your name. I was blackballed & found it impossible to find a dentist to treat me. Every dentist knew who I was thru the Chicago Dentist Society. After a 3 panel review board CDS told me I’d get money back but later said they could’nt make any dentist refund a patients money. USELESS.
I sought a periodontist I had seen earlier for sectioning. He knelt next to my dentist chair, “I told you to leave that dentist or he was going to hurt you.”
One oral surgeon referred to my dentist as, “A very stupid & dangerous man” told me to change my name or seek treatment in another state.
They all said it was their professional duty to report what my dentist did to me but later all of them backed down. Go figure Chicago. Are you afraid of the CDS?
How could a dentist intentionally sever a necrotic molar & seal the infection with silver amalgam with no antibiotics? He also orally emptied a fowl smelling syringe.
To turn me away after you all knew what this dentist did to me is unconscionable, despicable & disgusting…unprofessional & illegal.
I could’nt believe what I was hearing…dentists afraid to do the so called job they’re supposed to love…DENTISTRY. All because of a slipshod dentist. Who’s doing who here?
But dentists were’nt afraid to take twice the quoted consult fees & do nothing while I, a recovering septic shock survivor, had 3 abscesses.
One dentist prescribed 2 MRI’s & a MRSA test. A supposedly renown prosthodontist signed me up for a $6,000.00 loan, cheap, if I paid quickly. Tripled if I didn’t. For 2 months I never heard back for future appointments & I was held responsible for payments till he refunded the money deducting $150.00 for himself. He had no intention to refund the money till i asked for it.
Another dentist wanted $30,000.00 for 2 bridges & $50,000.00 for a recon he would not guarantee.
Fevers & rapid weight loss I was worried I’d suffer septic shock again. I finally found a dentist who immediately put me on antibiotics. After all I paid in consult fees he was the only one to save my life. Though my name was mispelled I believe he’d still treat me. The consult was FREE.
With a mirror I was shown the massive decay under my recon. I had 3 abscesses. My recon was found to be completely decayed.
My oral surgeon never saw such a reconstruction like mine. He stated, “It was either improperly prepped or intentionally left decayed.” Of the three abscesses one was attached to the root. The staff was called to see that abscess.
He could’nt imagine my pain & infection. I told him the months I wrapped my head in a heating pad.
My old dentist knew I was sick from the abscess infection he sealed in silver amalgam but he also wrote letters stating I was a hyperchondriac seeking antibiotics & attention.
He told my MD not to interfer with “his patient.” This was all preventable. An ignorant dentist teaching a patient a “lesson” for seeking a second opinion. Trying to cover up his inept dentistry
My new dentist is also on the CDS board & appalled at such unprofessionalism in the medical field he loves. My new dentist says, “SHAME ON YOU!
On the internet my old dangerous dentist is called, “caring & knowledgeable” too…he plasters his wall with certicates without even passing a simple written test.
Again, you’re smart not to give your name..Does anyone know who I really am?
Doesn’t look good for the CDS.
Wake up Illinois!
Dentists are fucking useless cunts, I’m yet to meet one that isn’t. Not one experience with dentists has gone to plan, they seem clueless to the extent of their incompetence. Last dentist I saw was a little Jewish looking slut, made a right fucking mess out of a simple tooth extraction. I laid back on the chair of doom with the lamp glaring in my eyes as she approached with her victorian style syringe loaded with gumfuck (anaesthetic). She stabs my gum and squirts fuck loads of this crap into my mouth and begins the extraction. As soon as she wiggled the tooth I thought “fuck me this hurts” and told her the gum isn’t numb. She has another go with the gumfuck and attacks the tooth with what looked life a wrench from a plumbers tool box. Still my gum isn’t numb so she squirts more shit in their but it isn’t working. After about 15 minutes (felt like a fucking week!) she starts looking worried, turns out she had smashed the whole crown of the fucking tooth leaving nothing else to lever the tooth of with! By this stage I’m violently shaking due to the excessive use of gumfuck and she gives up! She told me I needed to go to another local dentist asap and have the tooth removed under sedation as she can’t extract it and the pain will be unbearable, oh fucking joy! I walk 2 miles to this other bunch of cunts to find their anaesthetist is on holiday and that my dentist shouldn’t have sent me round there??!! I don’t need to go into detail about how fucking livid I was but the result was I drove 40 miles to a specialist clinic who sedated me and removed the offending tooth. To all you fucking useless dentists out there who know deep down that they’re not cut out to be a dentist, do yourselves a favour and fuck off and die!