
Hmmm, it’s not just one of those days, it’s one of those weeks.

The people supposed to be doing the work to fix the leaking bathroom failed to turn up. Considering they were supposed to be starting at 9am, they finally told me at 2pm. Luckily it wasn’t me waiting, it was my housemate, who’s still feeling cruddy post-extraction. Instead, they’ll now “definitely” be there tomorrow. Useless twats.

And to top the day off, the agency I’ve been working for over the last two years sent out the paperwork for the contract extension. To the address I lived in until a year ago. No-one knows why, they just did. Lucky I checked up as I hadn’t received it yet, isn’t it?


The interview I found out about last week after three months of waiting was today. It went fine – so now we’ll just have to see what they say. I think Stinky®’s one is tomorrow. Comedy moments ahoy.

Bloody thing

Yes, observant readers will have noticed that I chuffed up and managed to post the thing below four times. Basically, Blogger had a fit and while it was actually publishing the post, insisted it wasn’t.

Still, all fixed now.

Online Processing

Harping back to yesterday’s post about online photo processing and the like, I opted to try the top three from the Amateur Photographer testing. Part of the reason for this is that I’ve decided to enter yet another competition with a couple of photos, and they need to be prints rather than on a CD. So obviously I want to get the best results I can, and it seemed like a good opportunity to do some comparison testing. I was only going to try the best processor, but well – I couldn’t.

The top three (in order) were :

  1. Colourmailer
  2. Truprint
  3. and

  4. one whose name I can’t remember, but will edit later
  5. (it’s one of those days)

Colourmailer were OK-ish – reasonable prices for larger prints, although the standard 6″x4″ are more expensive, the upload stuff seemed to work fine and so on, but the useless bastards only take visa and mastercard. So that’s that plan stuffed.

Truprint (supposedly a really good site) which had the joint problems of a) being IE only, and b) still having errors in IE, so it wouldn’t even upload the photos.

And the third one wasn’t actually available. (Which is why I can’t remember the name of the company – it just kept on coming up with a DNS error)

So all in all, I’ve deciced that for the moment I’m going to stick with
Photobox. They might not be the cheapest, but I’m yet to have a problem with them, and the stuff they’ve printed for me so far has been excellent, all the way up to A2 size prints.

So now I just have to see how the prints come out at A4 size for the competition. They should arrive tomorrow…

Desperately Sad

Yesterday I got my complete West Wing Season 4 on DVD. I haven’t seen any of that season, as Channel 4 are utter bastards, and only started showing it two weeks ago.

Anyway, is it exceedingly sad at that point to have already watched the first three episodes last night?


The photos from Photobox, and the quality of them is superb. As always with their products, I’m so pleased with how they’ve turned out. A while back one of the photography magazines did a review of the online developers and they came out as “average” – I must admit I haven’t tried the reviewer’s favourite yet, but if Photobox are average, then the other lot must be fantastic. I’d hope.

Sometime in the next few weeks, I’m going to be putting together some more prints on a larger format again, so I might experiment with Colourmailer, who were the top scoring online lab in the survey. It’ll be interesting to do a comparison!


Well, all went well – Manchester Dental Hospital seem to be people who actually know what they’re up to. So all’s been done, and all gone well.