I may cry

It’s been productive again – out of the 20 items I’ve got on the list of people who need to know I’m changing address, and things that need doing (mail redirection etc.), I’ve now got four left to sort out. All of the remaining ones are items that can’t be crossed off until I’ve sorted an exact moving date, so there’s keff all I can do with them until I’ve seen the removals people. I’m talking to most of those tomorrow, getting some quotes ASAP. I must be barmy…

Cornwall photos

Ooops, knew there was something I’d forgotten to do, what with everything else that was going on this week. I’d forgotten to post the photos from the weekend in Cornwall, and particularly the Lost Gardens of Heligan. So enjoy. I knew I’d remember to do them in the end…

Sunday shopping

There’s an expression that seems to work very well when surrounded by screaming brats on a Sunday in the middle of Tesco. That expression is

“If you don’t house-train your hellspawn, I’ll train them for you”


Ye Gods, I’d forgotten the amount of paperwork involved in changing addresses. I’ve made a list, and it’s got about fifteen different things on it just for changing details. Nightmare. Still, in a pretty productive day I’ve managed to change address details at the bank, the (lovely lovely) insurance people, the two book clubs I belong to, Companies House (for the two limited companies I’m director of, as well as moving the registered office of the main one to my new address), and effing Britannia – who I’d love to abandon, but they’re like Reader’s Digest, and just keep coming after you. In addition, I’ve spoken to two removals companies, and they’ll be giving me quotes early next week.

Two more gigs

The rest of the year is beginning to look like Concert Central now. I’ve just also managed to get tickets to see Good Charlotte and Evanescence later this year. Currently, it’s now looking like I’ll have been able to get out of every single “family” Festering Season™ type thing in December, as I’ve got a concert every weekend ’til Christmas.

Not that it was planned like that – honest. *Ahem*

Pros and cons

Well, I now have the keys to the new house, which is a major step in the right direction. I’m happy to be sorted – or at least on the way there. Now comes all the gubbins of changing address on everything known to man – and I know I’ll forget a couple of things, so I’m also setting up mail redirections. I love the “belt and braces” approach to this sort of stuff.

On the plus side, I’ve spoken to my (increasingly lovely) insurance company, told them I’m moving, and because of the change in postcode, the premiums have now halved. Blinkin’ flip, said I.

On the negative side, I’ve discovered that I have absolutely NO idea who recently became my supplier of gas and electricity. I need to find out, so I can move the account – but I’ve less than no clue who I swapped to. It used to be TXU Energy, now Powergen, but they can’t/won’t tell me who I changed to either. Fuckers.

UPDATED : Ah – found out – it’s British Gas who supply both gas and electric. I love ringing up and looking like a tit by saying “Do I have an account with you?“. *Grin*

Weasel-boy has left the building

I know it’s schadenfreude at it’s best, but I have to admit that the news that Alastair Campbell has announced his resignation from No. 10 has put a real smile on my face. Couldn’t have happened to a nicer sleazebag…