The ’09 Writing Project

“Don’t call yourself a writer until you’ve got something finished. Don’t give me those two pages – no-one will buy them, no-one will want them, you’ve got to finish it. Work, finish it, then you can call yourself a writer”
Russell T Davies on Charlie Brooker’s ScreenBurn (Writer’s Special)

Over the last three or four months I’ve been working on the script for a project with Dragon – there’re still some tweaks to be made to it, but we’re pretty much there, I think.

For 2009, I want to get another one completed : at least a complete first draft, and with luck being close to a completed product by this time next year. I think that’s realistic, along with all the other odds and sods that are going to be going on.

We’ll see, of course. Things might all click together and I’ll get it done in the first three months. However, I wouldn’t place money on that eventuality. I do want to get some more writing done though, and I hope that this next twelve months will get me started on that road…