Going Solo

Assuming that everything comes through OK (I’m still awaiting final confirmation) one of the interesting things about the new job will be how I handle working from home (WFH) for four days a week.

I know I gripe (regularly) about colleagues and so on, so in some ways it might be nice to not have to deal with people for a while. But at the same time it is good to have some social contact, which wouldn’t necessarily be the case with a WFH role.

Time will tell, I’ll find out how I do. I’ve still got other options, potentially including renting an office space that I can share and get some social interactions in that way. We’ll see.

Changes for the Better

Having finished my most recent contract on Friday, this week is another of those “catching up and getting stuff done” weeks at the moment.

Today I’m off for a meeting with another of my regular clients, tomorrow is time for the Slab to get a replacement wheel-bearing, and then do the MOT (and hopefully pass with no further work required)

In the meantime, things I am not missing about the workplace include

  • no longer having to listen to the colleague who regularly hawks back snot into his throat
  • no longer having to watch another colleague who spent most of the day with his thumb up his nose.

While I enjoyed the work, it’s fair to say I’m not necessarily missing some of the people.

Getting Stuff Done

So far I’ve started 2014 with the primary aim of “Getting Things Done”, and it’s been fairly positive so far.

I tend to faff about when I get the chance, and even if I start a project, I then fail to complete it (usually by moving on to some New Interesting Idea) so I’m intending that this year is more about starting things and seeing them through to either completion, or to the point of accepting defeat.

It’s been a good start this far, sorting out stuff that’s waited for a while, getting into a new (or at least updated) routine on some things, and so far I’m feeling pretty pleased with it all.

Hopefully the interview yesterday will be successful – it went well, at least – but only time will tell on that.

There’s still other new stuff coming up, and things that need to be started and done, but it’s at least a good start in the first two weeks.



One of the things I’m truly bad at is trying to find a balance in my life. I keep trying, and struggling to do so, and then giving up and falling by the wayside once more. I know that the way I live and work isn’t overly balanced (or settled, but that’s another set of posts – past, present and future).

At the moment I’m in another “trying” phase. (And yes, yes, I know, “I’m always trying”. Blah blah. Pipe down at the back) I’d like things to be a bit more balanced, to have the time and space to do stuff, and to be able to get going on a couple of projects that I keep on not getting round to.

In fairness, I’m (currently) doing better than usual. I’m getting most of the stuff done that I want to – although a couple of things have slipped through the cracks so far – and trying to build up a schedule, or at least a routine, that’ll allow me to deal with most things.

This is mainly being achieved by dint of

  • to-do lists (as written about previously)
  • forcing myself to still do the bits I’m not keen on
  • knowing that if I don’t, I’ll just be annoyed at myself, and have no sodding excuses

But is that balanced? No, not really. I’m still trying to do more stuff for myself as well – or at least recognise the need for some downtime – but as always that’s the bit that sort of fails.  I’ll aim to improve it over the span of the year, but for now there’s things that need to be done. (Or at least started off properly)

All told, it’s been a fairly good start to the year. Let’s see if it continues…

Back on the Hunt

With the current contract ending in two week’s time, this week marks the start of getting back into applying for new ones.

It’s not too bad a thing – and I’m so used to it, it’s just not really stressful any more – but does make me organised when it comes to keeping the CV up to date, and managing my own profile on shit like LinkedIn and (my favourite) JobServe.

I hate LinkedIn with a passion. However, it’s now the ‘go to’ site for lazy recruiters, so I kind of have to have a profile there and so on. I’ve made connections with some decent recruiters (and a whole horde of crap ones) but I don’t think I’ve ever actually got an advertised role from LinkedIn.  I actually get all my jobs through either

  • recruiters I’ve worked with before or
  • JobServe

Still, I keep my profile on LinkedIn – I suppose one day it may be useful. I can’t really think of what kind of situation that would be, but one remains optimistic.

In the meantime, back to sending out CVs in response to ads, and dealing with recruiters with little to no clue about what the jobs actually entail, or what parts of skillset are truly relevant. Joy and happiness, be unconfined…


One thing that I’m really bad for purchasing is stationery, and pens in particular. Thankfully nothing super-expensive (I’m too prone to lose them anyway – or get them ‘borrowed’) but still, sometimes I’ll see a pen or similar, and just want it. I also know I’m not alone, as several other people whose blogs I follow are similar stationery addicts, which is somewhat reassuring.

Over the last few years I’ve lost a couple of favourites – particularly fountain pens – which I still miss. But I don’t hand-write letters as much now, so it’s harder to justify the purchase of a new fountain pen. I bought a bundle of my (current) favourite rollerball pens last year, so I’m doing OK on them in general – and I do use them all the time for notes, plans, lists and the like.

Today though, Pixeldiva linked to this post about a favourite rollerball pen that uses ink cartridges rather than rollerball refills. And that desire for a new pen kicked in.

I’ve ordered it – it’s not extortionate by any stretch, and has cost me less than £20 including two pots of cartridges – but oh dear.  I’ll write more about how I find the pen in time, and how it works with my Rhodia notepads…


Year End

Here we are, at the end of 2013. It’s been an eventful old year, what with one thing and another.

In no particular order – and probably leaving out a load of lesser stuff – my 2013 has consisted of…

  • Having Mondeo kill itself in the outside lane of the M1 – always an interesting experience
  • Renting a Renault Megane for two weeks – the shittest car it’s ever been my displeasure to drive
  • Buying the Saab as a replacement for Mondeo, and it’s done well so far.  Handing back the Megane was also an absolute joy
  • Countless meetings all over the country
  • Completing my bankruptcy period – it stays on the record for four more years, but it’s discharged now
  • Being made redundant from the job I started the year with
  • Going back to contracting and
    • getting the first job I applied for – indeed, they offered it to me at the interview, and wanted me to start immediately
    • And the second – although it turned out to be shit
    • And indeed the third – on that one they offered after phone interview, without even meeting me
  • Forming my new company, which will start trading from mid-January
  • Sorting out an ISA savings account – which actually has some money in it!
  • Continued writing, and getting some ideas out onto keyboard/paper – time will tell how successful that stays
  • Been able to purchase some stuff I didn’t have in the new house – like a proper bed-frame, etc.
  • Caught up with friends, some of whom I hadn’t seen in far too long
  • Attended two weddings – and another one’s already booked for 2014

All told, it’s been pretty busy, somewhat hectic, highly changeable, and not a bad year at all. Sure, things could have been better/smoother, but when all things are considered, I’d say it’s been a positive year.