Location Fixation
Posted: Fri 16 May, 2014 | Author: Lyle | Filed under: 2013/14, Bankruptcy, Change, Commuting, Depression, Domestic, Driving, Finances, Five Year Plan (now Ten), Getting Organised, Housing, Own Business, Project 42, Thoughts, Time, Work-related | Leave a comment »Over the last couple of months, I’ve been thinking a lot about location – where I live, where I work, where I want to live, all that. I’ve been in the current house for two years now, and I know I’m getting a bit twitchy.
The current tenancy doesn’t expire ’til November though – due to an initial six-month one, followed by 12-month ones. As a result, I’ve had plenty of time to think about it, look at the pros and cons, and – I think – I’ve now pretty much made a decision.
As has been noted on many occasions, I’m not all that good with permanence – I like change, embrace it even. It suits me. So two years in the same place is enough to make me twitchy, to start to feel that itch in the back of my skull.
It’s not too bad at the moment though. I’ve certainly had it far, far worse than this. If I were still in the same job as well, the options would be different – I’d be needing to move on in both cases. As it is, I’ve been back on the contracting since July, and it’s kept things decently varied – which means the house side of things can relax a wee bit.
There are places I’d like to move to, some new locations and some old. (Or at least close enough to qualify as revisits) They’re more about reflecting how much life has changed in the last few years, most particularly the ability to drive, which opens up whole new vistas.
For example, I’d like to go back to the North-West, live around the Peak district somewhere. I wouldn’t live in Manchester itself again, but there’s loads of places around it that I really like. It’s still a front-runner when the move does happen. The same applies for the South Coast, and Dorset in particular. It’s an area I love, but didn’t really get to appreciate as much as I could’ve done, because I didn’t drive. So yes, that’s also a front-runner.
There’s other places too. A revisit to Bath and/or Bristol wouldn’t be out of the question – particularly when not combined with an insane commute, ideally – and there’s new locations too. I’d consider most places, but Nottingham and Derby have always been good to me, and there’s a whole heap of other places. (Plus a long-standing idea to sod off to somewhere like Cork)
However, right now there’s also a bigger plan in place. Rebuilding after the bankruptcy, seeing what comes next, as well as looking at work and finances and what the hell I want to do/be when I grow up. There’s ideas on that score, but I need to have the time and inclination to do something about them. Time I’ve got. Inclination? Less so, right now. But that’s a post for another day.
I could move, sure. But practicality-wise, where I am right now is pretty much perfect for me right now. It’s not a long-term location, but for now it’s good. I’ve got all the transport links I need – my commuting radius for work covers an insane amount of miles. It makes my contractor life a lot easier. Location isn’t in many (if any) of those calculations I have to do. For me, right now, that’s an important factor, and outweighs pretty much everything else.
Financially, it’s easy. If I move North then the odds are that my rent would drop. But for where I am, for what I’ve got right now, I couldn’t do much better. I’d like some extra space, an extra room or two – but it’s not something that’s necessary right now either.
All told, while I would kind-of like to move, I don’t need to move. And staying put has its advantages too – location, money, blah blah.
That means that – in the lack of a good reason for moving other than “But I want to” – I’ve decided I’m going to plan to stay where I am for the next eighteen months. The six months from now for the current tenancy, and then extend it by another twelve.
Of course, the landlord might decide to sell up or something, or work may throw up something that makes me have to move. Neither option is likely, but they could happen. But short of those kind of eventualities, I’m going to face up to things, and not move.
By that time – November 2015 – I’ll have been in this place for three and a half years. Then I think it’ll be time to move on – or at least move up. If my work is still keeping me based in a way that the current location is still OK then I’ll just look at moving to a bigger place locally. If things change or work isn’t a limitation (I can work from pretty much anywhere, after all) then it might be a big location change too. We’ll see.
Break Contemplation
Posted: Thu 3 April, 2014 | Author: Lyle | Filed under: Creativity, Domestic, Getting Organised, Own Business, Travel, Work-related, Writing | Leave a comment »When this current contract ends, I’ve already got the next one lined up, which will be another 4-6 weeks of work, taking me through to the start of June. It’s a nice situation, having something already lined up and waiting to start – not all that common, and helped by the knowledge that I have no intention of extending this one at all.
It’s making me think about what’s next (i.e. what’s after that) and I’m actually contemplating taking a week off, disappearing to a cottage somewhere.
It’ll be expensive though. Not the cottage (or whatever) itself, that’s not too bad. But I’ll still know that it’s costing me a week of work, which is a not-insignificant amount. Mind you, I haven’t actually had a proper break/holiday in more than two years, so it’s something I’m definitely thinking about.
I’ve got some ideas on locations, but also of things I want to do. But mainly just taking a break, and hopefully putting some of what’s in my head onto paper/disk/keyboard.
Right now, that’s sounding like quite the plan.
Posted: Fri 21 March, 2014 | Author: Lyle | Filed under: Domestic, Insomnia, London, Own Business, Sleep - or lack thereof, Sociable, Work-related | 1 Comment »Another busy week, what with one thing and another. Lots of prospective work, lots of paperwork, and being sociable as well. It’s a tough life.
As it is, it looks like I’ve now got work in from two ex-clients, as well as the ‘proper’ job, and some prospective bits along the way – and there’s still the other prospective bits I want to do for my own company/business.
Other than that, the week has also involved trips to see friends, cinema visits, and tonight I’m in London to see Bill Bailey do a test-run of his new show.
Hopefully the weekend will involve down-time – although I’m not convinced – and I’m currently debating taking a day off next week just to catch up on some sleep and other stuff.
So yeah, back to business as usual next week, I think. Or maybe some updates over the weekend too – depends how things go.
Posted: Tue 4 March, 2014 | Author: Lyle | Filed under: BT, Customer Services, Cynicism, Domestic, Geeky, Own Business, Utilities, Work-related | Leave a comment »Since before Christmas, my broadband connection has been pretty flaky, occasionally cutting out completely and so on. I reported it to BT at the time, and they did fuck-all. (Imagine my surprise at that one)
Last weekend, it suddenly got much, much worse – no connection at all for most of Saturday and the router descending into an endless cycle of attempting to reconnect. Sunday started in the same vein, so I called BT’s fault department again. Twice. (The first person tried to transfer the call, fucked it up, and disconnected instead. Slow handclaps)
They ended up escalating it to the ‘second tier’, who would investigate and call me the following day. As that was a Monday, I asked them to make my mobile my primary contact, as I’d be at work, not available on the home number. You’d think that would be pretty easy/sensible, but it took them three attempts.
Yesterday, I got the first call. Yes, the line’s fucked, but they can’t tell where. It could be inside the house (we’ll gloss over the fact that when there is a line, the connection is fine, and all the in-house equipment works well with no issues) or on the line itself. So they’ll need to send an engineer.
How’s tomorrow?
No, I’m at work. How’s about a weekend?
We don’t do engineer visits for this kind of thing on a weekend.
OK, so I’ve got to take time off from work in order for this to be checked at BT’s convenience. Who do I invoice for my time?
Oh, we don’t do that. We won’t pay for your time. You also need to be aware that if the problem turns out to be with your equipment, or something like corrosion of BT equipment, you’ll be charged £130
So this could be an expensive proposition. (And how much do we want to bet, fellow cynics, that the issue is ‘corrosion’, and thus makes me liable?)
I asked at that point for a call back from a supervisor, because I wasn’t happy with the entire thing. They promised to call me back between 12 noon and 1pm.
The call didn’t happen. I got home, and found a message on the landline at 4pm saying “I tried calling you back, but you weren’t available”. No shit, you fucking moron, I was at work – as it said on the fucking ticket. I called them back, and we’re now in the land of official complaints. Again.
On a more positive note, a random check on BT’s page last night showed that my exchange should be getting Fibre (and BT Infinity) this month. Which may just make things worth sticking with BT…
Return Visit
Posted: Wed 12 February, 2014 | Author: Lyle | Filed under: Domestic, Getting Organised, Own Business, Weirdness, Work-related | Leave a comment »Monday was quite a strange day.
My ex-employers – yes, those ex-employers – had contacted me, asking whether I could come in to fix a couple of things on the stuff I wrote for them while I was there. Establishing yet again that the redundancy decision was an absolute cock-up, and showing that to all my ex-colleagues as well.
Plus, of course, the fact that they’re paying me now according to my standard contracting day-rate, which is significantly higher than the rate of pay I had while I was with them.
It was a fun day, and good to catch up with some of those ex-colleagues. But it did feel very odd to be back there, even if only for the one day…
Quiet week
Posted: Tue 11 February, 2014 | Author: Lyle | Filed under: Domestic, Getting Organised, Own Business, Travel, Work-related | Leave a comment »Having finished the most recent contract last week, this week is (potentially) a bit quieter.
Of course, that just means it’s quieter by my standards – which actually means keeping busy, sending out CVs, talking to agencies, as well as getting out a bit and doing stuff I don’t get the chance to do (or I’m not in the mood to do) on weekends.
Today that was a trip into Cambridge – other than working there, I haven’t been in for a visit in years. I figured it’s going to be quieter mid-week than either next week (half-term) or weekends in general.
It was actually pleasant, mooching around, avoiding tourists and cyclists (which is par for the course in Cambridge) and seeing all the bits that have changed. I find Cambridge quite interesting for the sheer pace of change, the way places open and close (and occasionally move) – it’s very fluid in a lot of ways. Oxford always seems a bit more staid, that there’s plenty of stuff that has been there for decades. I know, Cambridge has plenty of stuff that stays as well, but it always seems (to me) to be over-weighed by the ones that change.
Anyway, the rest of the week is already getting booked up, there’s a couple of interviews for later in the week, and plenty of other organisational stuff to be getting on with (as well as a bundle of invoices and the like) in the meantime.
All fun and games…
Plan B
Posted: Sun 2 February, 2014 | Author: Lyle | Filed under: Own Business, Thoughts, Work-related | 6 Comments »I said I’d write about that ideal job that I got the offer on.
It’s gone. They’ve decided to change plans, and pulled out of the process.
It’s annoying, but it’s one of those things. I hadn’t had the offer in writing, so there’s nothing that can be done. It’s just a good job it wasn’t something I was relying on, or a situation where I’d handed in my notice in order to go to it. (Although if that were the case I’d have waited for the offer in writing, obviously)
I had a suspicion it was going to happen – once the initial offer had been made, everything went very quiet. In my experience that’s never a good sign. Fortunately I’m a cynic, and I keep looking until I’ve got a concrete offer.
So it’s back to Plan B, and the contracting. Which is fine with me.