Weirdness and Taxidermy

Sometimes you see a site and realise that some people on t’internet are very, very, very strange.

This is one of those sites.

Just Why?

The Aston Martin Vantage is a beautiful, beautiful car. It’s one of the very few that I’d love to own – I know it’s an utterly unrealistic prospect for a number of reasons (Not least being that it costs somewhere north of £85,000) but there we go. It’s still a thing of beauty, and when one goes past, I’ll always appreciate it.


On my current walk in to work, I get passed two or three times every week by a Vantage. And while I love the shape and design of the car, I really can’t believe that anyone sane would get one painted in what I can only describe as powder blue. (According to Aston Martin, so far as I can tell it’s called ‘Glacial Blue 2’, but it’s nowhere near as dark as in their car-configuration thingy)

The car’s still beautiful. The colour is – frankly – fucking horrific. With so many colours to choose from, why the hell would someone choose powder blue, for chuff’s sake?

Dying on the Same Day

Today it’s been announced that both Patrick Swayze and Keith Floyd have died. Not together, just on the same day.

In Floyd’s case, it’s ironic that the news comes the day after Channel 4 transmitted “When Keith met Keith” – about Keith Allen meeting Floyd in one of Floyd’s last ever interviews. Almost like he was hanging on for the programme…

Anyway, as Alan Cumming said,

My greatest fear is dying on the same day as someone more famous than me”

Intruder Alert

The other day, at about 5.30am, Hound started growling and barking. This is her ‘normal’ (in as much as anything Hound does ever being seen as normal) alarm behaviour, when something’s going on that she thinks we need to know about. It’s reserved for strange Bad Things happening.

In this case, all her attention was being paid to the front door, so I went and had a look.

It turned out to be daylight, coming through a tiny gap at the edge of the curtains that cover the front-door area  at night. Hound’s Alarm Bark was because of sunlight.

As soon as I moved the curtain, she looked at it in a bemused “Where’s the invader gone?” expression. And then went and laid down in her basket again, to go back to sleep.

Poxy fucking creature.

Delivery Weirdness

One of the more major changes (well, the major non-structural changes) when we re-did the kitchen this year was to get a new a gas cooker installed to replace the old electric piece of shit that came with the house.  It was a significant change because we’re not on mains gas here, so it also involves using gas cylinders.

Our first cylinder has finally run out, which means it’s time to get a replacement from Calor. There’s no urgency, due to having two cylinders, but equally it’s better to have the replacement sorted well before we actually need the sodding thing.

As a result, yesterday I called Calor’s local depot in Norwich (from which the cylinders were obtained by the people who installed the cooker) to order the replacement one. Except, based on our postcode, it turns out we don’t deal with the Norwich supplier/depot, but instead we deal with the – um – Bury St Edmunds depot.

According to the people at Calor Direct, getting our gas delivered from Bury St Edmunds is “more efficient”. But having checked on my faithful Route Planner, from the Norwich depot to this house is 19 miles.  From the Bury St Edmunds depot, it’s 36 miles – nearly double the distance.

So how is that more efficient?


In the shops today, I came across something that I still can’t quite get my head around. It’s one of those things where you’re just not sure if you’ve missed something relevant, or if it really is that weird.

Let me explain.

At the moment, both Sainsburys and Tescos have a promotion where you can buy 2 two-litre bottles of Coke (or Diet Coke) for £2.  That’s fine.

However, right next to the individual bottles, they have a “Big Value” pack of 4 two-litre bottles. For £5.18 .

So the “Big Value” pack costs £1.18 more than 2 lots of the 2×2-litre deal.

What’ve I missed?

Blue or Green

I love optical illusions, and seeing the way the brain works (and in some cases doesn’t) on these things

But this particular one still makes my head hurt…