Weird Sleeper

As I’ve said before, Psycho Cat seems to prefer to sleep in some very strange places and positions.  Even more bizarrely, he seems to prefer to sleep in the most uncomfortable scrunched up places possible.

Bear in mind that he’s got pretty much full run of the house, and could be sleeping on the spare bed, in the basket that he’s got, or in the living room on the sofa, chair or footstool thingy.

But no, he chooses to sleep (at the moment) on the dining room table, which also doubles on occasion as a desk, or a resting place for all kinds of tat. Last night, Herself had left a backpack thing on there. And this morning, guess what he was sleeping on/in…

Cat sleeping on rucksack

Sleeping with the strap right round him

And obviously pretty comfortable / happy to do so.

I worry about him, I really do

Snugged *right* in. Weird little fucker

Weird beast.


Every so often while driving I hear a promotion on Radio One for the football coverage on Radio Five Live.

It’s of no interest to me whatsoever, but always grabs my attention because of the first line of the promotion. It actually says “Football on Five Live”, but I keep on hearing it as “Fook All on Five Live”.

Road to Nowhere

Only in Norfolk.

Over in Attleborough, there’s a new road been put in which currently goes nowhere. It got used straight away as a place for a bunch of travellers. (and I believe there’s rumour of it being used as such on a longer-term basis) They got cleared out a few weeks back though.

Over the weekend I went past it, and there’s some road signs been put up.

30mph on a dead-end road with no houses or buildings on it

Flowering Rhubarb

One of the stranger sights in our garden this week…

Flower from Rhubarb

Rhubarb Flower - click to embiggenify

I’ve never seen this before, but our main rhubarb plant has created what appears to be a flower. It’s kind of broccoli-like, but with (as you can see) red bits and pale green bits.

In short, very strange, and very alien-looking.


Sometimes it’s really quite scary seeing just how disturbing some bunnysuits are.

Bizarrely, I was doing some research on a writing idea to get me to that site.  That’s quite worrying in itself…


Ouch.  The mind boggles as to why you’d do this to yourself…

Just why?

The Long Way Home

I really worry about one of my colleagues. He’s mentioned on several occasions about his lack of navigational ability, but last night took the biscuit.

On leaving Bury after the company bowling trip last night (i.e. not the normal “departure location”) he took the wrong turn.  His route should’ve been from Point A on the map below to Point B. A nice easy run.  However, the route taken was slightly different…

That is one hell of a diversion

One hell of a diversion...

Yep – a wrong turning meant that he went from Bury to Norwich, back down to Newmarket – past the place he lives! – to come back to Mildenhall.

I despair…