Holiday Results

Sometimes I swear my brain works differently to everyone elses. (Or at least differently to the people who work in advertising agencies)  I’ve just seen an advert saying

“Book your holiday with [company] before January 31st, and your first child comes free!”

And my first thought was “Well, I suppose if it’s conceived there…”

Acid Attacks

Yesterday I watched the Channel 4 documentary “Saving Face”  about Dr Mohammad Jawad, a renowned plastic surgeon who provides pro bono work rebuilding the faces of Indian women who have been the victims of acid attacks by their husbands.

Yeah, attacks with acid – usually sulphuric – being thrown in their faces.  Seriously, what the absolute fuck?

I know women in India aren’t treated with the same accord as in the UK and other countries – but seriously, what kind of mindset is there that makes it OK, indeed ‘the done thing’, to disfigure your partner ? What the shit?

It’s just totally beyond me, I simply don’t understand the process that makes this kind of thing OK.

(And yes, I do know – but don’t understand – the philosophy that one’s woman/partner is just a possession, an object you can choose to keep, throw away, or burn to fuck with acid.  I know the philosophy, but still, it’s just wrong. )

Weird Dreaming – again

While there’s no decent answer with regard to whether the cat puked or I dreamt it, last night’s one was pretty strange too.

So – for all you dream analysts out there – what does it mean when you dream that you’re in Homebase, have been overcharged, and you’re getting ignored by all the staff? (I know, that’s just about par for the course with Homebase, but still – this was even more so than usual)  Even weirder, I got really annoyed by this in the dream (which is understandable) but then woke up and was equally furious.

Took me ages to go back to sleep, too.

I suspect this may be my brain saying “Hurry up Thursday, I want to be done for the year“.


One (of many) questions about aging that keeps occurring to me :

What the hell is it with hairs growing on ears?  It never used to happen – why has it started to as I get older?

Seeking Proofreaders

One of my favourite stories today is that of the Suffolk school that’s now hiring proofreaders to check for mistakes in teachers reports. Yes, really.

From the story…

Northgate High School said the role would include correcting “spelling mistakes, poor or missing punctuation, incorrect capitalisation” and improving “poor grammar”.

The role at the local authority school pays £14 an hour.

Headteacher David Hutton said the work indicates the “high level of professionalism” at the school.

Surely a better mark of the ‘high level of professionalism’ at the school would be to hire teachers who – you know – are capable of spelling correctly and using grammar properly in the first place? After all, if they’re making mistakes on the reports, I’d be pretty damn sure they were making the same mistakes in lessons…

Waiting / Wasting Time

One of my regular activities (and of course everyone else’s regular activities) is the domestic shop – it’s not something I enjoy too much, but it’s got to be done.  And at the same time I find it fascinating in some ways.

Mainly I love observing people, looking at their motivations, habits, and mindsets. I don’t always understand those mindsets and actions – as with the Reverse Parking thing I commented on a while back.

There’s going to be more of these posts, I think – it’s all making me think a lot about people, their psychology, the mindset for shopping and so on. It’s all just in my head a bit.

Anyway – back to the point of this one.  Still in the supermarket carpark, I’m afraid.

So here’s the thing – why do people feel the need to park as close as humanly possible to the actual store? Even to the extent of driving round the nearest loop three or four times, rather than finding a space somewhere else?   And particularly to the extent of sitting waiting for someone to load their shopping into the car, return the trolley, and then (eventually) drive off, leaving a queue of people behind, and generally screwing up the entire circuit ?

Me, I park further out, dump straight into a parking slot, and get on with the job. Last weekend I managed to do that, go in, shop, and come back out while at least one twat was still waiting for a parking spot on his circuit.

In short, I really don’t get the concept of ‘saving time’ by parking close to the store, if you have to circle repeatedly and wait for a spot.


Yes, once again it’s that time of year.

The one where, after telling children all year that they shouldn’t talk to strangers, let along accept sweets etc. from strangers, it’s now acceptable – but only for one night (and the following weekend, of course) – to go knocking on doors and – um – accept sweets from strangers.

What could possibly go wrong?

I feel the same about Santa in the Festering Season – again, don’t talk to strangers, but oh, it’s ok this time because you’re talking to Santa and accepting presents. Hey, good move.


In short, ’tis the season to introduce your children to hypocrisy and double-standards. Enjoy.