Posted: Mon 6 February, 2006 | Author: Lyle | Filed under: Sweary, Work-related |
I despair. I really do.
I’m working from home, so I’m not in direct communication with the office the same way I am usually. You know, through being in the same fucking room, for instance.
So when I left on Friday, I sent an email to El Boss, and to Simon, the fuckwit other developer, to say “Hey, I’m working from home on Monday (and for most of the week) so I’ll be working on x section. Please leave it alone, so I don’t end up with issues when it comes to putting it back in to the system”. You wouldn’t have thought that was difficult to handle, would you?
So today I’m working on x section, like I’d said I would. And what comes in from work, but an email to let me know that Simon, the fuckbunch, has changed – you guessed it – x section. The cunt.
So I’ve just dumped his change, and sent an email to El Boss and Simon explaining just why I’ve done it. So we’ll just have to wait and see if anyone says anything…
Posted: Sat 28 January, 2006 | Author: Lyle | Filed under: Sweary, Work-related |
Gah, sometimes I hate doing development work.
Because the site I’m working on has blogging, our “consultant” has insisted we have RSS feeds on it. Great, what a wonderful idea. I’ve never done the actual creation of an RSS feed before, so have no fucking idea how to do one – and most of the stuff on Google seems to be of the kind that says “It’s dead easy. Just do it” without actually giving any useful/relevant information, except perhaps “download this piece of software, which’ll do it for you”. Which isn’t actually what I’m looking for.
And the consultant? Well, I’ve asked repeatedly for information on what to do to create these things – after all, he’s so pro- them, he should know how they’re written, right? Does he chuffaslike. I get the same kind of comments from him – it’s obvious that while the idea may be great, his concept of the implementation is, shall we say, a tad lacking.
Typical fuckin’ consultant, in other words.
Posted: Fri 27 January, 2006 | Author: Lyle | Filed under: Customer Services, Sweary |
Oh bugger. My mobile phone contract is due to expire at the end of Feb/March (can’t remember which) and last night I got the first of the calls from some scamming bunch of bastards wanting me to move to their service to change my mobile contract.
“Hi, i’m from [insert name of scamming bastards here] and I understand your mobile contract is coming to the end”
“I’m not interested, thank you.”
“We can offer you a better service, and ”
(louder)”I’m not interested, thank you.”
“it’ll cost you less than you’re currently on. We check with the”
(even louder, and speaking slowly, as the guy’s obviously borderline retarded)”I’m not interested. Thank you.”
“five main mobile companies, O2, Vodafone…”
“Not interested. Goodbye”
The twat then rang back. Realised, and fucked off.
However, I know that this is just going to be the first of many. Time to get snotty….
Posted: Tue 24 January, 2006 | Author: Lyle | Filed under: Sweary, Thoughts, Work-related |
Sometimes I could slap myself.
One particular function on the website had been working way back when I initially wrote the demos etc., and then when we did the manic upgrade and re-develop late last year, it fell by the wayside. Because I’d written this thing before, I figured it wasn’t going to be a big issue to do again.
Oh, how wrong I was. I’d estimated a day to get it all sorted and upgraded, working and looking pretty. After all, I knew what was needed, didn’t I?
Short answer: No, I fucking didn’t. The stuff I was looking at had been rewritten “to be easier to understand” by Simon (AKA “Fuckwit of the Western World”), which has meant I’ve had to re-do it not once, but twice, having realised halfway through that actually there was an easier way of doing all this, and what it needed was to take a chainsaw to the stuff that’d been written by FOTWW.
All in, it’s taken four days. If I take out the time spent in meetings etc., it still comes out as three days. But at least now it’s done, and – to be immodest – it fuckin’ rocks.
So I’m pleased it’s all out of the way, I’m just annoyed it took me three times longer than expected. Ah well…
Posted: Fri 20 January, 2006 | Author: Lyle | Filed under: Sweary |
I’m sure I’ve wittled on about this before, but truly quality swearage. Excellent stuff, and always makes me smile.
Posted: Mon 2 January, 2006 | Author: Lyle | Filed under: Animals, Sweary |
OK, so yes, 2006 started off with everyone sending off fireworks galore. And yes, Hound was stressed by them, but not as badly as she was last year.
But – and maybe this is just a Bracknell thing – what the fuck is the reason for still having them tonight, the 2nd January. It’s forty-fucking-eight hours on from New Year, so why the shit are they still being let off?
Posted: Mon 2 January, 2006 | Author: Lyle | Filed under: Sweary, Thoughts, Travel |
Over the last nine months or so, I’ve commuted to work by train. The price isn’t too bad, the service is fairly regular (about every 20 minutes or so) and in general it’s quicker and easier than using a car to get to and from work.
Today, the rail ticket prices rose – supposedly by an average of 4.4 percent. Having just looked, my daily ticket has risen from £2.50 to £2.70 . Still not extortionate, (although that’s for a journey of roughly six minutes. Works out as around £12.25 per hour – be interesting if they did charge tickets by a “journey-time” rate, wouldn’t it?) but it’s closer to an 8% rise. Bastards.
Transport Secretary Alastair Darling says
“It has all got to be paid for and we’ve got to strike a balance between the amount of money that the taxpayer puts in and the amount that the fare-payer puts in as well.”
That sounds all well and good, except for one eeny-weeny problem with it. Yes, sure, strike a balance between taxpayers and fare-payers for the service. But the problem is that all the fare-payers are still also paying their bloody taxes to go to things like this. So the people who use the sodding trains get to pay twice for it. Which is, frankly, fucked.