Organisation – Getting There

Well, the first few steps of the organisational stuff are beginning to happen.

I’ve actually (finally) sent out the invoices for some stuff I did before Christmas. Yes, see, I’m even disorganised when it comes to money that people owe me. Not for much longer, but yes, it’d got that bad.

All told, it doesn’t come to that much – less than £100 – which is probably why it’s taken me ages to get round to it. But it’s worth doing. After all, money’s money.

We also sat down last night and wrote out a bundle of to-do lists, which was certainly something I needed to do. My worry with these lists is if I forget to add something on to them – in which case the odds are even higher that I’ll forget all about it very quickly. So I need to get myself into the habit of writing stuff down when I agree to it or remember it, and that way the odds are lessened. But it’s a bit of a faff all the same. Still, I’ll get there.


via Pix, comes 7×7

Seven Things To Do Before I Die

  1. Have a book of my photos published
  2. Go back to being self-employed
  3. Travel more – particularly the US and New Zealand
  4. Have hellspawn (now there’s a scary concept – me with a child)
  5. Do more charity gubbins
  6. Write a book or a screenplay. Get published
  7. See something I’ve written on TV

Seven Things I Can’t Do

  1. Write Lists
  2. Run a Marathon
  3. Completely cut out caffeine
  4. Stop Swearing but hey, you wouldn’t want me to, right?
  5. Knuckle Down
  6. Get to 12 stone in Weight
  7. Not be a techie

Seven Things That Attract Me to Blogging:

  1. Keeping on Writing
  2. Proving I can keep on with a project
  3. Immediacy
  4. Readers
  5. Using blog as a brain-dump for ideas/stress
  6. Photoblogging (must get round to that, I know)
  7. Meeting people through their blogs

Seven Things I Say Most Often:

  1. Fuck (and variants)
  2. Cunt (and variants)
  3. Bollocks (and variants)
  4. Fucking Cunty Bollocks
  5. For Fuck’s Sake
  6. Personally
  7. I Think So

Seven Books That I Love

  1. Homeboy by Seth Morgan
  2. Green River Rising by Tim Willocks
  3. anything by Chris Brookmyre
  4. American Gods by Neil Gaiman
  5. anything by Peter F Hamilton
  6. Altered Carbon by Richard Morgan
  7. The Sparrow by Mary Doria Russell

Seven Movies That I Watch Over and Over Again

  1. West Wing on DVD – not a movie, but still most-watched thing
  2. 10 Things I Hate About You – embarassing, but true
  3. Split Second – Rutger Hauer, and the line “We need bigger fucking guns“. Say no more
  4. Nikita
  5. Matrix – but mainly for the lobby scene
  6. Tootsie – again, embarassing, but if it’s on, I just keep on watching it
  7. Jesus of Montreal – Weird, Canadian, Fantastic

Seven People I Want To Join In Too
Yeah, well, whoever. Times 7.


Over the weekend I finally started off some of the stuff on Business Plan #1. The basic database structure’s been completed now, and is ready for me to start work on the pages themselves. Oh, and yes, the basic logo’s been done too – it’s not perfect, but it’ll do for now.

Next on the list will be a proper holding page, as that hasn’t been done yet, and is still one of 34sp default pages. Not for long though.

I am a bit befuddled by one thing on the new domain. I’m using 34sp’s Business hosting initially – a princely £10 per month for 500Mb of space and 10Gb of bandwidth per month (which should do me for the moment with room to spare) but it also has support for five databases. Why?

Anyway, at last the things are starting to get off the ground. More news about the development process will be posted up here as and when it happens. And you’ll be pleased to know I don’t intend to stay cagey about this for too much longer. I just want it sorted first, as you can imagine!


Bah, £350 later, I’ve ordered new glasses.

In fairness that £350 does equate to two pairs of new glasses, one standard, and one with high-index reactolite lenses by Zeiss – which accounts for £200 of it on their own. Plus £30 for the anti-scratch coating. So yeah, could be worse.

And, because I’m officially Blind As A Badger® the NHS sticks me on their “complex lens” thingy, which means I get a whacking £12.40 off the price of the lenses. Which is roughly half the cost of the anti-scratch coating. Or roughly 5% of the cost of the lenses. So, based in the real-world, then. *ahem*

They’ll be ready in a couple of weeks time, and I’m actually quite looking forward to getting them. My prescription had only changed slightly, but the current pair have lasted me three years (if not four, thinking about it) which isn’t bad, all things considered.

Starting Off

I seem to have hit the beginning of 2006 as “start the way you mean to go on”.

So today I’m at the opticians first thing to get an eye-test and two new pairs of glasses (Should’ve gone to Specsavers? Oh, I have) And then tonight it’s my induction at the new gym.

Yes, I’ve changed gyms. The one I was going to was quite out-of-the way, so if we were busy then gym attendance was one of the first things to bite the dust. The new one (I signed up on the 31st Dec, but the induction is today) is just behind the office, which makes it a) easier to get to and b) harder to avoid. Although B) is probably a good thing.

So what with new camera bag, new gym, and new glasses, things are looking fairly impressive so far.

Don’t worry, it won’t last…

2006 Resolutions

Well, last year I did a bundle of resolutions and things, and got about half of them done. These are the ones that remain…

  1. Making a photo portfolio, and taking it to a couple of agents, seeing how I do
  2. Doing a few more bits of proper writing
  3. Taking time out, and not running round like quite such a silly bastard
  4. Enjoying life in its new facets

So – they’re still going to be in for the ’06 list. However, rather than having them as resolutions per se, I’m going to have it as more of a to-do list this year, I think. (for ease of reference though, I’m still going to keep it under the ‘resolutions’ category.) That way I can also have some categories within it and so on, which seems sensible in some strange way. So, for now, the list is as follows…

  • Photography
    • Macro Lens
    • Portfolio
    • Talk to Agents
    • Submit work to various places
    • Join local camera/photography club
    • Look at potential for “proper” photography qualification
  • Work
    • Get the three main sites up and running
    • Make them successful
    • Keep track of how they do
    • Reassess in Jan 2007 – if they haven’t worked, kill ’em
    • Get more smaller sites done and paid
  • Writing
    • More “proper” writing
    • Longer pieces for d4d?
  • D4D
    • That bloody sweary filter.
    • Installing WordPress 2.0
    • Photoblogging?

Resolutions Finale

Ah yes, back to that old chestnut for the Festering Season, resolutions. Well hell, it fills some space while I’m away…

Anyway, not much has changed since last time I posted on the subject – bit of a dead loss really.

But this is also where it gets interesting. Because I need to come up with some ideas for the ’06 Resolutions. And that’s what I’m going to be doing over the next few days. Some of the outstanding ’05 ones will probably make it onto the list, but perhaps not all of them.

And in the meantime, yes, I’m thinking about some new challenges and ideas. Got to keep myself mentally active and all that. After all, I’m thirty-bloody-five in ’06…