Coming Up Fast

So, in less than a month’s time, I’m going to be thirty-fucking-five. How scary is that?

In the time between now and then, I’m working on getting a few things set up so that I can get going with my plans for the next five year period, and start getting some of those ideas off the ground.

Should be interesting, and more about it as the time comes closer, I’m sure.


In less than two months, I’m going to be hitting the ripe old age of thirty-fucking-five. Without meaning to sound overly negative, it’s not an age I ever really envisaged myself getting to. Now, however, it doesn’t seem too bad. Well, with the exception of feeling like I’m getting – well – if not old then older. Which is kind of scary in itself.

Anyway, along the way, I’ve been thinking a lot about what I want to do and so on. There’s a few things on the list (some of which is remarkably similar to the stuff on the resolutions) and when you also include the changes that are going on at the moment anyway, with house, job, etc., well, it seems like a good place and time to look at that kind of thing.

Really, I think at the moment that it’s about seting up a timescale. I want to try out a fair number of things over the next few months and years, and see whether any of them work out properly. But the general idea is that over the next five years I’m going to try as many ideas as possible that have any potential of success, and work to make them profitable.

Of course, one of the secrets of making them profitable is to spend a bare minimum on them (although enough to give them all a fair crack of the whip) so that when/if they make money, then they don’t need to make much in order to recoup the costs. After that, well, it’s all cream really.

So there’s a whole bundle of ideas that I intend to working on, and if they don’t work out, well, I don’t intend to be breaking my fiscal back with any of them. There’s a few website ideas that will be getting developed, most of which have so far not had anyone else working on them, even though I’ve had the ideas for a while. Of course, I don’t yet know whether that means that a) they’re good ideas that no-one else has figured out, or b) really, really bad ideas that’ve been tried and already failed. (The cynical side of me expects it’s B, but only time will tell) The first of those ideas is/was Where’s Good, which is slowly coming together.

As well as the websites, though – and at the end of the day, the fiscal investment in those will run to maybe £200-250 per site, along with some development time etc., but money wise that’ll do the job, and keep it going for a year, at which point it’ll be assessment time – there’s other ideas I still want/need to try out. Primary among those is the photography work, and seeing how things go on that score. Financially the camera and photographic gubbins is the biggest investment, what with the camera itself and the necessary lenses and accessories, I’ll probably end up putting about £2,500 in that direction (although most of that’s already been spent on the camera body and current lenses). At the same time, though, the photography is something I enjoy doing anyway, so I’m not hugely worried about the expense – it’ll be worth it, even if we “just” use the photos for our own walls, and maybe those of friends etc. But at the same time, well, it’d be nice to be able to sell them commercially – yeah, maybe it’s some kind of artistic prostitution, but there we go – and also to do some commission work, similar to the stuff I produced for the charity in Manchester.

And then there’s also the other creative ideas, the things I want to do with writing, and other experimental stuff. And there’s a couple of other ideas in the background as well that I want to try out. I know that one of them has been kind-of done before, but at a price so extortionate that they priced themselves out of the market. Of course, that pretty much buggers up anything I could do with regards to product protection, patents and so on, and keeps the idea open to some very heavy competiton, but at the same time, well, being first on the market and building things that way might work out as well. We’ll see.

Anyway, the basic plan is that I’m going to be working on these things, these ideas, over the next five years. And if none of them work out? Well, I’m giving it that five years, and if by then nothing’s worked out to be profitable enough to keep us going then I’ll have to reassess, and look at perhaps settling down to a “proper” job, and working from that, if nothing else.

But time will tell. I think it’s a pretty good start, taking 40 as a target, a point to aim for. And we’ll just see how it goes.


Over the weekend, we’ll be up in Birmingham at the Autumn Fair, a tradeshow for all kinds of gubbins at the NEC. We’ve got some specific stuff to be checking out, but I’m also aiming to sort out a couple of those resolutions, and make some contact with a few photo publishers and the like. Should be interesting.

Anyway, because of this I’ve had to make myself look somewhat professional, and get some business cards printed along with getting a useful stand-alone number that I can redirect to anywhere, so I know if it’s a business call instead of a personal one.

The cards came yesterday, and actually look pretty good considering that they cost me about £6 all told. In fact it’s quite surprising how easy it can be to set up all that kind of stuff now, with all the trappings of respectability…

Resolutions Update

Way back at the start of the year, I wrote out a list of things I wanted to do this year. That list was as follows :

  • Photography
    • Macro Lens
    • Portfolio
    • Talk to Agents
    • Submit work to various places
    • Join local camera/photography club
    • Look at potential for “proper” photography qualification
  • Work
    • Get the three main sites up and running
    • Make them successful
    • Keep track of how they do
    • Reassess in Jan 2007 – if they haven’t worked, kill ‘em
    • Get more smaller sites done and paid
  • Writing
    • More “proper” writing
    • Longer pieces for d4d?
  • D4D
    • That bloody sweary filter.
    • Installing WordPress 2.0
    • Photoblogging?

So – where are we, as it’s more than halfway through the year?

  • Photography
    • Macro Lens – nope
    • Portfolio – nope
    • Talk to Agents – nope
    • Submit work to various places – nope
    • Join local camera/photography club – nope
    • Look at potential for “proper” photography qualification – nope

    So, Zero out of 6. Not good.

  • Work
    • Get the three main sites up and running – two of three, and other ideas too
    • Make them successful – getting there
    • Keep track of how they do – yes
    • Reassess in Jan 2007 – if they haven’t worked, kill ‘em – nowt I can do yet
    • Get more smaller sites done and paid – yep, two so far, and more on the way

    Much better – this one’s working out so far.

  • Writing
    • More “proper” writing – nope
    • Longer pieces for d4d? – nope

    Another Zilch

  • D4D
    • That bloody sweary filter. – nope
    • Installing WordPress 2.0 – nope, and not going to
    • Photoblogging? – nope, but may come up elsewhere

    And another one.

So at the moment it’s really not looking all that good for the list. I need to get my finger out a bit, don’t I? I know/hope that once we’ve moved, things will calm down a bit and I can get on with some of this stuff a lot better. But well, for now, we’ll just have to wait and see.

Weight Stuff

OK, I went to the gym last night for a “reprogramme” on what I do. It was supposed to happen last week, but well, I forgot my kit, and it all generally went a bit tits up.

So last night was the one. And I did OK – I’ve a new programme of work, which should be interesting. I nearly passed out on the rowing machine, but that’s because the instructor told me to breathe on each stroke (Hello Google), and once you start doing 34 breaths a minute – well, OK, once I start to do 34 breaths a minute, I end up hyperventilating. Which really isn’t much good or much fun, and doesn’t tend to do much for one’s health. Particularly when one almost bounces one’s head off the next rowing-machine along.

But anyway. The weird bit is this : Back in January when I went for the initial session my BMI was 30.1. I’ve since lost about a stone, and lost a lot of visible fat. So how come my BMI is now 33.3?

Or is it all just a load of old bollocks, and nothing I should worry about?

And They’re Off

Yes, the tax returns have been sent, recorded delivery. But not before I took photocopies of just about everything – I fully expect that they’ll try to lose this lot again.

*sigh* So young, so cynical.

Now, let’s see if we can get it all done and sorted before it’s time for the 2005/6 one to be due. (It’s not actually necessary, as the problem has come about through being director of a company that I resigned from in – are you ready? – August 2004.) It’s just that Inland Revenue “didn’t know” I’d left…

Quarter gone

How the hell is it nearly April already?

Quarter of the year gone, and I just feel like I’ve done fuck all. (and to the smart-arses in the audience yelling “You haven’t”, I respond with a swift ‘piss off’, and a raised digit)

Hopefully the next three months will at least feel like they’ve been a bit more productive. Who knows…