Posted: Mon 23 February, 2009 Filed under: Creativity, Depression, Photography, Thoughts Leave a comment »via Chromasia, I found Zack Arias‘ piece called “Edit: Transform“.
It’s awesome.
There’s just no other word for it. Spend six minutes of your life watching the video. It’s worth it.
Photo Opportunities
Posted: Fri 20 February, 2009 Filed under: Driving, Photography Leave a comment »A few days ago, a friend made me aware of a burned-out van out in the wilds of Norfolk (and fortuitously close to where I’m currently working) which was of interest to me for some photo ideas.
I was going to go over there this weekend, but changed plans this morning, loaded the camera into the car along with the satnav (in order to find the bloody place at all) and took the opportunity while it was there – the local council usually being vaguely efficient when it comes to vehicle removal.
The road that it’s on is – interesting, I think it’s fair to say. Distinctly rural, single-track, and covered in mud for the first mile, deep ditches on either side – I’m just glad I wasn’t going with the initial evening/night-shots plan. (Now I know where it is, I might give that a go next week if it’s still there)
All told, I’m quite pleased with the photos I’ve managed to get – or at least, I’m pleased with how they looked through the lens, and on the screen on the back of the camera. I’ll only get the chance to see them on the big monitor tonight, and see what I think then.
Cooling Towers
Posted: Tue 10 February, 2009 Filed under: Green, News, Photography, Thoughts 1 Comment »Having lived near(ish) to Didcot when I grew up, and having worked a couple of times in the shadow of the towers themselves, I thought this BBC piece about Didcot power station and its cooling towers was really interesting.
It’s relevant to the entire energy, power, and pollution thing too, of course – but I can’t deny, it’s relevance to me was more about the location.
I’d love to go inside these towers one day and take photos – although from the sound of it, the photos would just be grey mist.
New Tripod
Posted: Mon 12 January, 2009 Filed under: NCFE Course, Photography Leave a comment »Over the Festering Season, we discovered that my old camera tripod had expired – it had been left in the back of Herself’s car, and somewhere along the line had got cold enough that the plastic around the centre column had completely sheared, with no real chance of repair. (Anything approaching a decent repair would have cost more than the original tripod)
So I took the opportunity to upgrade it a bit, and I’ve now got a new tripod (a Manfrotto 055XDB, if anyone cares) which is a bit of a beast. It’s heavier than the old one, weighing in at just over 2Kg all told. That’s OK, as I rarely do a lot of photography where I’m lugging the tripod around as well. (although that may change during the next year or two) However, it’s also a fair bit bigger/wider, which means that the old tripod bag I had won’t hold the new tripod. Arse, as they say. (However, I have now ordered a new one)
Still, it’s a great tripod, and should last a fair while too (assuming I don’t leave it in the car all the time, of course) as there’s far less plastic in the entire thing. I’m planning on getting out with it at some point this week, particularly as ‘night shots’ is one of the assignments on the NCFE course that I never got round to completing to my satisfaction. That’ll be the real acid test, using the damn thing properly – but for the moment I’m pretty satisfied with it, and I think it’ll do the job well.
More Memory
Posted: Wed 3 December, 2008 Filed under: Customer Services, Photography, Thoughts Leave a comment »The other day, I noticed that Amazon had a 4Gb Compact Flash card for the price of £15.
I’ve been using 2Gb cards for a while, and that’s fine – but sometimes it’s nice to have the extra storage, and at that kind of price I just thought “Ah hell, might as well”.
Of course, for twice the price, I could’ve got a 16Gb card, but I don’t really need that much storage.
In fact, the 4Gb will do me fine, particularly with the two 2Gb cards I’ve also got now.
All the same, I do find it amazing the way the prices for digital storage just keeps on dropping.
The Girls
Posted: Sat 29 November, 2008 Filed under: Animals, Domestic, Green, Green Garden, Photography 3 Comments »When it snowed last weekend, I finally got round to taking photos of our hens. It’s taken a year, but I knew I’d get there in the end…
And that’s the girls.