Parking – Again and Again

Same day, same bit of the carpark. Possibly that was just the section for people who can’t park cars…

Car parked half in a spot, half on hatched markings

This isn't how it's supposed to be done

AP05HTG, you’re supposed to park in the bit between the lines, not on the bit with the lines through it. FFS.

Photography Out’n’About

Last night I finally got out and about with my camera a bit.

We’d organised an evening meet up with the people I went on the photography course with last year, and we met up in Norwich to have a walk around.

It was a really pleasant evening, and I got a whole bundle of photos. Haven’t had the time to check them out yet, but I’m pretty sure I’ve got a few good ones in there. Damn well hope so, anyway.

House Filming

Apparently, the finale of the current season of House has been shot entirely on a Canon 5D Mark II handheld SLR camera.

That’s pretty impressive, however you look at it.

I really like the specs of the 5D, but I know it’s way out of my current price-bracket and skill-set.  I’m still enticed by the 7D though, and keep trying to figure out whether I can convince myself that it’s a worthwhile upgrade. I haven’t managed yet, but I can keep on trying.


As I’ve mentioned before, our village has quite a colony of peacocks. In addition, the fields around here are filled with pheasants as well as partridge(s).

This year, we appear to have a couple of hybrid birds, taking bits from both. I’m sure it’s not the first time they’ve happened, but it’s certainly the first time I’ve seen one.

I’ve christend them Pheacocks, for want of a better name – and today I managed to get a couple of photos of them. They’re not perfect, and I want to keep on trying through the year because when you see them, they’re absolutely stunning. The head and tail are definitely pheasants, but the body colours are those of a male peacock – totally stunning in sunlight.

Pheacock - Pheasant/Peacock hybrid running across road

Pheacock 1 - click to embiggenify

There’s also the following one, which again isn’t perfect, but gives a good impression…

Another shot of the Pheacock

Pheacock 2 - again, click to embiggenify

Fashion – in the loosest sense

Holy Jumping Jesus – sometimes I’m really glad I have no real interest in (or concept of) fashion.

Well, if this little lot are fashionable then I’m deeply glad I’m not.

Conflict and Surrender

It won’t give up, it wants me dead
Goddamn this noise inside my head

© Nine Inch Nails, “The Becoming”, Downward Spiral album

That’s not quite where I am at the moment – but somehow it still seems to be the best lyric for describing things at the moment.

I’ve written before about my regular issues and history with depression, and the way I normally fight my way through it. Recently though, that’s not been the case. If I’m honest, the last three or four years have involved fighting, but only getting to an impasse, a holding action to keep ground, rather than a victory.

I’ve made lots of plans, and had the intention to do things. It’s just that I never seem to find the time or the final motivation to get them done.  I keep on trying, and I keep on failing – and at the moment there’s no good reason for Why. I just don’t get to it. That final bit, that final push, is missing, AWOL.

So I’m working on getting through it, but I’m also going to go a different route this time. I’ve a doctor’s appointment in a couple of weeks time, and I’m going to aim to get some anti-depressants. Not something I’m overly happy about, but I think it’s time for me to try them again.

I had a very negative experience with them many moons ago, so I have some really serious reservations about them. But if I can give them a go and they work, so be it. If not, it’s another avenue tried and I need to find other options. But at least I’ll be trying the avenues this time.

Photo Project : Phase One

Part of my 2010 project is about getting back out with my camera – or at least trying to. And as part of that, I’m going to work on Amateur Photographer magazine’s “Amateur Photographer of the Year” competition.

The first round of it is due to be in next Friday, so I’m planning to take some time today to go out and see what I can do.

It’ll mean taking Hound out too, as I’m off to the coast – the project is about the interaction of water and land, and there are some fantastic environments for that kind of theme around here.

We’ll just have to see what comes out of the day. I hope it’s worth the time.

Actually, I’m sure it will be – even if it doesn’t come up with the results I want, there’ll be something from it.

[Update : Well, I was going to go, but then it’s chucked it down with snow. So currently re-debating the plan]