Posted: Mon 29 April, 2013 | Author: Lyle | Filed under: Domestic, Food, Gigs, London, Music, Photography, Public Transport, Sociable, Thoughts, Travel |
Over the weekend, I went down to London to see the Rebel Rebels perform their final show.
Conveniently (for me, at least) it was held at the Elixir Bar, just round the corner from Euston – ideal, and meant I didn’t even need to consider overnighting in London.
As it was, I met up with Merialc and Erzsebel beforehand, and went for a curry at the Erzsebel-recommended “Diwana Bhel Poori House“. (round the other corner from Euston) The food was excellent – although I can honestly say I have no idea what the hell I was eating – and made for a good start to the evening.
The evening itself was a fun time too – and while not being ‘official photographer‘, I still had the camera with me, and got some good shots. I’ve missed the Rebels’ previous shows for a number of reasons, so I’m glad I got to be there for the final one.
The journey home was OK too – albeit incredibly long, due to the train service stopping at every single station on the way. Being sober on the late train’s an experience in tolerance, not rising to any number of inane pisshead conversations and the like, but thankfully there was only one puker, so it could’ve been a lot worse all round.
A great evening all round, and it’s a pity that at the moment there aren’t more planned.
Posted: Sat 6 April, 2013 | Author: Lyle | Filed under: Creativity, Domestic, Photography, Reviews(ish), Sociable, Thoughts, Travel |
Yesterday involved a trip into London, meeting a friend, and going to see the exhibition of Ansel Adams’ work at the National Maritime Museum in Greenwich.
I’ve been a fan of Adams’ work for a long, long time, and have a couple of books of his work, but have never really seen any of the original work – so when the exhibition was announced, I knew it was something I wanted to go to.
I’m really pleased that I did go – so many of the photos in the exhibit are absolutely stunning. It sounds odd, but I was surprised by how many were actually really small. Logically I knew that they’re mainly taken on a 4″ x 5″ plate, but when you see the huge landscapes he’s taken, you always imagine them being epic in scale. And some of them are truly epic – prints 3 metres high, and absolutely stunning, including a triptych of photos that graced the foyer of an insurance company in San Francisco.
Honestly, I didn’t know some of the story of his work, of how ground-breaking and radical some of it was at the time, his influence and work on changing from the more ‘impressionist’ style of Pictorialism through to the more modern “Photorealism” and the f/64 movement (partly founded by Adams) for landscapes and so on, maximising the depth-of-field for the maximum detail throughout the frame.
It’s a stunning exhibition – there’s only a couple of prints I didn’t like, and so many that would love to have on my walls.
Posted: Thu 28 March, 2013 | Author: Lyle | Filed under: Domestic, Getting Old(er), Getting Organised, Photography |
One area where I’ve really slacked over the last few months has been on the photography front – I just haven’t been in the right mindset, and haven’t really had any locations where I’ve wanted to take photos at all.
Last weekend, Lori held her “Rarely Wears Lipstick Awards“, a celebration of the ten years of blogging, and a whole bundle of other reasons. I was going already, but it turned out the person who was meant to be taking photos couldn’t make it, so I volunteered to do so.
I can’t deny, it felt good to be doing it again. I really enjoyed the night, but I loved taking the pics as well, seeing the people and the scenes, and grabbing the images. It was also a joy (as always) to be using my f2 portait lens, which is so excellent in low-light, and lets me grab photos without needing flash.
All the photos on the resulting blog article are mine, but there’s a lot of others as well- obviously – some of which I’m really pleased with. Some less so, but more through issues with the lighting and focussing, rather than the shots themselves. I might add some more up here, I don’t know.
Hopefully, though, it’ll be the kick to get things going again on the photography score, though.
Posted: Sat 9 February, 2013 | Author: Lyle | Filed under: London, News, Photography |
I don’t quite know why, but I find this set of photos on the BBC really interesting.
Basically, as the title says, it’s about photos of building sites in London, but the views just make it interesting.
Posted: Sat 30 April, 2011 | Author: Lyle | Filed under: Charm School, Media, Photography |
From a range of sources, this has to be the best/funniest photo from the Royal Wedding yesterday…

Dirty Mind, Royal Wedding
Posted: Mon 18 April, 2011 | Author: Lyle | Filed under: Domestic, Photography, Travel |
A photo from the weekend, through iPhone and Autostitch…

Panoramic photo of the beach at Felixstowe Ferry
Taken at Felixstowe Ferry (the old end of Felixstowe) on a fantastic day over the weekend.
Posted: Tue 23 November, 2010 | Author: Lyle | Filed under: Animals, Photography |
One of the better images of the week…

Upside-Down Basset Hound
I just love it.