No shit

Hallelujah, for the tide may be about to turn. Research is showing that people who download music buy more music. Personally I’ve always thought this was the case – I use online music in a similar way to how we used to use cassettes from friends etc. – it’s a chance to hear some new stuff, and then if you like it, buy the album.

According to this report, people who download music spend four and a half times as much on music as those who don’t download any. I’m sure that the record industry will say “yes, but that’s not the point” and come up with some half-arsed defence, but maybe – just maybe – there’s a chance that they’ll start seeing sense now.

Mind you, I wouldn’t hold my breath hoping for that to happen.

Happy Day

Well, finally things are getting a bit more sorted out. I’ve been paid – which had been a bit of a problem, due to the company accountant being an arsewipe fuckmonkey who couldn’t co-ordinate wiping his own arse, let alone a payroll. But it’s all sorted now, so I’m happy.

And with money in the account, it’s also meant I can finally get tickets to see Tracy Chapman in November. So joy, happiness, and frabjous day indeed…


Dear Brixton Academy,

You utter, utter bunch of cunts. I arrived at the venue last night to see Nine Inch Nails, which I’d been looking forward to since the tickets went on sale. When I got to the door, the security jobsworth motherfucker person searched me and my bag, and refused me access.

My sin? To be carrying a camera. To whit, a digital camera. Now, I realise that the ticket says “no professional cameras”, which is fair enough. And mine, while nice, is most definitely not a professional camera. But no, it turns out that – according to Brixton Academy – “professional” is the same as “digital”. If you’ve got a digital camera, you’re not coming in. If you’ve got a 35mm camera, you’re not coming in. Non-professional cameras would be non-digital, non-zoom, “use once” cameras. And that’s about it. Fucking hell, my bastard phone is listed as a professional camera under your classifications.

Oh, I did get told “you can leave it with us, and collect it at the end of the show“, but that comes listed under the “Yeah, right, pull the other one it’s got fucking bells on” scheme of things.

So, all told, that’s £40 up the swanny. I don’t know if the “no digital cameras” is the policy of the venue or the band, or if it’s just that you have utter fuckwit bastard cunts for doormen. Quite honestly I’ve no intention of finding out. Because I won’t be going back to Brixton Academy again.

You cunts.



UPDATED : What really rankles is then seeing other people’s photos from the gig.

Getting Closer

Having seen Stalker’s review(ish) of it I’m looking forward more and more to tonight’s gig. Nine Inch Nails, Brixton Academy.

I’m still not overly looking forward to the travel home afterwards – but with luck I’ll be deaf for most of it…


I didn’t know ’til Dragon / my stalker said about it, but the video to the new NIN single, “Only” was shot by none other than David Fincher, of “Se7en” and “Fight Club” fame.

And it’s bloody good.

Loch Lomond

After the weekend in Norfolk, for various reasons I now have the lyrics of “The Bonnie Bonnie Banks of Loch Lomond” reverberating through my skull at various times.

Last night it pestered me through dreams, and has pursued me into consciousness.

Next time I see that bloody DJ, I’m going to slap him…

NIN remixed

I just wanted to say a quick thanks to Dan for pointing me towards the top 20 tracks in the remixing competition for Nine Inch Nail’s “The Hand That Feeds”. I downloaded all of them at work, and over the last couple of days I’ve listened to all of them, and a damn good set they are too.