Posted: Thu 21 February, 2008 Filed under: Cynicism, Music, Thoughts 3 Comments »I’m just wondering, how did Mark Ronson get ‘Best British Male’ at the Brits over the other non-entities nominees, Jamie T, Mika, Newton Faulkner, Richard Hawley ?
Now don’t get me wrong, I really like Ronson’s “Version” album for the most part – but he’s still more the producer/creator/rearranger than the performer. All the vocals are done by other singers, rather than by Ronson.
When all’s said and done, Mark Ronson is still “just” a DJ. And because of that, I don’t really understand how he’s “Best British Male”.
But maybe that’s just me.
Solsbury Hill
Posted: Sun 1 April, 2007 Filed under: Getting Organised, Music Leave a comment »The other day, I saw that Peter Gabriel was going to be doing a concert at Blickling Hall in Norfolk in July, thought “Great, must remember to get tickets for that when they go on sale”, then completely forgot about it. Typical.
Anyway, I remembered yesterday, and I’ve managed to get tickets still. Woo!
Of course, I’ve seen him live before (once or twice) but still, I’m already looking forward to seeing him again.
Even if it did mean buying tickets through fucking Ticketmaster. *sigh*
Posted: Fri 30 March, 2007 Filed under: Music, Travel 2 Comments »On the subject of the drive in this morning, I have to say (yet again) that for me, there’s just nothing like driving along with The The’s Mind Bomb album on the stereo.
I just love it.
Missing in Action
Posted: Sat 3 March, 2007 Filed under: Charm School, Customer Services, Music, Sweary Leave a comment »You know, I’m beginning to think I’m cursed when it comes to gigs – particularly at Brixton Academy.
Last time I was supposed to go, to see Massive Attack, it snowed, and I didn’t go.
This time, I’m supposed to be going to see Nine Inch Nails next Wednesday, only I haven’t yet received the ticket from cunty fucking Ticketmaster. Yeah, sure, I’ve moved since I ordered the tickets, but I’ve also registered that change of address with the useless bastards, so that shouldn’t be a problem.
Yesterday it took me half an hour just to get to, fill in, and send the form to ask where my tickets are. I still haven’t heard back. Useless fuckers. The site has been ‘improved’ and now lags to chuff, blows up the browser, and is generally now just as broken as Ticketmaster’s ‘service’ in the first place. So I suppose that at least it’s representative…
So far, the odds of me seeing NIN are emphatically not good. I stand to be signally unimpressed…
Posted: Sat 11 November, 2006 Filed under: Getting Organised, Music 1 Comment »Woo-Hoo.
Not content with finding that Nine Inch Nails are touring (again) in ’07, and booking a ticket to see them at Brixton Academy (and no, this time I am definitely not going to be taking a camera this time) I then found out that Massive Attack are also touring, and playing the same venue in February.
On initial impressions, it looks like 2007 may be a promising year for gigs. Except, of course, for the fun that will be the travelling between Norfolk and London for the gigs themselves…
Posted: Thu 12 October, 2006 Filed under: Music 1 Comment »Recently I’ve been resurrecting, and in some cases re-buying on CD, some of the music I used to listen to a lot. One example of this has been the older stuff by Depeche Mode, who for a long time were one of my favourite bands.
Last week I finally got round to re-buying “Black Celebration” and “Violator“, which were the albums I used to love the most. And they’re still grand.
“Black Celebration” in particular is just a fantastic album, with a rather darker tinge than most of their other early stuff – and funny enough a trait that was revisited in some ways for “Violator”. It’s been fantastic hearing them again – and of course I’ve now got them as MP3s too, so I can listen to them wherever.
Build the Hype
Posted: Tue 5 September, 2006 Filed under: General, Music, Reviews(ish) 1 Comment »Have you heard the single by Lazyboy called “Underwear Goes Inside The Pants”?
It’s been released, and is currently sat at the low end of the 30s on the Top 40. We heard it in the car last night, and laughed ourselves silly.
In short, it’s brilliant. The lyrics go some way to explaining the appeal, but there’s more to it than that. It’s something different, it has a point, and says it well.
Ah, hell, just go to Itunes and look for “Lazyboy” or “Underwear” – it’ll come up in the list. It might be a novelty, but it’s well worth the 79p for the download.