MP3 playlist
Posted: Fri 24 June, 2005 Filed under: Music, Weirdness 2 Comments »I’m on a train later tonight, and I’ve just been thinking (again) about how surreal my music tastes can be.
The MP3 player is currently loaded with the following albums :
- Alabama3’s “Outlaw” (which is bloody good, it has to be said)
- NIN’s “With Teeth”
- The The’s “Hanky Panky” (a set of Hank Williams covers)
- Daddy G’s “DJ Kicks” compilation (mainly dub and reggae – very mellow)
- Marc Almond’s “Tenement Symphony” (camper than a row of tents)
- KLF’s “White Room” album
That’s a fair selection of genres in there. And yet to me it makes sense in a scary kind of way. And also (to me) flows pretty nicely.
Memetastic revisited
Posted: Sat 21 May, 2005 Filed under: Music, Thoughts 2 Comments »I did this meme back in January but now BSAG has passed it back again. And well, four months on, I’m sure plenty of stuff has changed on it, so here goes…
Total volume of music files on my computer?
OK, this is worrying. I now have just under 40Gb of music on the drive I specifically bought for the holding of MP3s. I know, that’s sad. Live with it. There’s also 10Gb on the laptop. Note to self: Get out more.
The last CD I bought was?
Two CDs at once – Faithless’ “Forever Faithless” and Morcheeba’s new album “The Antidote.
Five songs I listen to a lot/mean a lot to me?
- Nine Inch Nails – Something I Can Never Have. Always reminds me of some odds and sods that were going on a long time ago.
- Alabama 3 – Peace in the Valley. A kind of closure for the things that I’m reminded of by Something I Can Never Have.
- Cowboy Junkies – Trinity Sessions album. Bit of a cheat, but the entire album is filled with memories and thoughts.
- Faithless – Reverence album. Their first album, and they still haven’t managed to beat it, so far as I’m concerned.
- Erasure – Piano Song. Lots of reasons, but mainly just because a) it’s fantastic, and b) “Never get angry at the stupid people” – my anthem for work at the moment.
I’m passing on the baton to…
Tough one, this. Mike at Troubled Diva, David at Chromasia, Anni at Anni Pink, and Lori. Will that do?
The Levellers – Oxford Brookes’ SU.
Posted: Wed 13 April, 2005 Filed under: Music, Reviews(ish) 3 Comments »Well, we did make it in the end – and as normal photos will be posted later today, or tomorrow morning. I just haven’t sorted them off the camera yet.
Brookes Uni SU bar isn’t much of a venue, it has to be said. The people behind the bar had obviously suffered some kind of genetic cross-patch with snails, as was made evident by both their speed and their lack of anything resembling a personality. Quarter of an hour to get served, which takes the piss rather than serving it. (Yeah, they had Budweiser on tap, so serving piss is meant literaly)
On the other hand, the gig itself was pretty damn good. The support act, McDermott’s Two Hours were OK – perfect for the “crusty” image of the Levellers and so on. Irish, political, slightly odd, and with a fiddle player to die for. Supposedly they’re one of the main influences on the Levellers, so fair play.
The Levellers themselves were – to me, anyway – a bit of a surprise. In appearance they were far more “pub rock” than “crusty” – well, the bass-player fitted the bill, but the rest were strangely ‘normal’. I found the same with Offspring, among others – and the lead singer does remind me of Offspring quite a lot. Punk and rebellion-type music doesn’t really seem to have stayed with students and teenagers, but instead has grown-up and aged with its original audience.
Anyway, they were bloody good. Right from the start, they were stunning – loud, fast, and just how they should be. All the old favourites were played, along with stuff from the new album.
Thoroughly enjoyed it, even with the bunch of arseholes stood next to us. Oh, and the woman one of them was groping, who could only be described as “rougher than a badger’s arse in Autumn”. But they just provided amusement/bemusement. The gig itself was great.
Time Warp
Posted: Tue 12 April, 2005 Filed under: Music 2 Comments »Tonight’s gig is The Levellers at Oxford Brookes University Student Union.
Quite a blast from the past! But it should be fun. I’m looking forward to it, anyway.
UPDATE : Knackers. Looks like the car’s buggered (brakes being fairly useful to the entire moving/stopping thing), so we may miss the gig after all. Fucking wankhand cunty bastard piece-of-crap shitbag junk.
Ooh, Ooh, Ooh
Posted: Thu 20 January, 2005 Filed under: Music, News Leave a comment »Excellent news – Nine Inch Nails, one of my long-term favourite bands, will be playing the London Astoria on Wednesday March 30th and Thursday 31st. Tickets go on sale at 9am on Saturday.
No idea as to price just yet, but well, it’s NIN.
Peter Gabriel – part 2
Posted: Mon 7 June, 2004 Filed under: General, Music, Photography Leave a comment »Finally, the photos from the concert (well, some of them – I’ve got plans for a few of the others) are online along with some more thoughts about the show itself.