Funding the Daily Mail

In yesterday’s Daily Mail, a woman called Samantha Brick wittered on wrote an article about how life was so difficult for her ‘because she was so beautiful’. (That’s a link to the story, if you really must read it – but hang on before you do so)

Predictably, t’internet – and Twitter in particular – frothed up about it massively, and the story went viral. Which is exactly what the Daily Fail wanted.

According to their own follow-up story, that original article garnered 4,500 comments. And the ‘top-rated’ comment received 18,000 ‘green arrow’ upticks. (Think of a Green Arrow as being similar to a Facebook Like)

The Daily Fail lives by advertising. The Mail’s Online Ratecard shows that they charge a minimum of £20 per 1,000 advert impressions – and it can be a lot more.

The original story had (at the time of writing the follow-up) received 1.5million hits – that’s a minimum of £30,000 they’ve made on the one story. Of course, the original story/page is still live, and there’s also a follow-up piece from Brick herself. From the Fail…

And today she is sure to provoke another avalanche of strong reaction as she defends herself in a fresh article on MailOnline, insisting that: ‘While I’ve been shocked and hurt by the global condemnation, I have just this to say: my detractors have simply proved my point. Their level of anger only underlines that no one in this world is more reviled than a pretty woman.’

So to all the people who comment, or even just click through to read the story, I say this.

YOU are the people who fund the Daily Mail. Every single one of you. Now, don’t you feel proud?

Royal Knees-Up

From a range of sources, this has to be the best/funniest photo from the Royal Wedding yesterday…

Dirty Mind, Royal Wedding

Dirty Mind, Royal Wedding

Derek Bird Inquest

Today the inquest opened on the events surrounding Derek Bird’s killing spree in Cumbria.

On the BBC news tonight, reporting on the inquest, the following phrase was used…

Bird’s killing spree was outlined in detail for the first time

Now, how can you outline something in detail?


Yet another from the Daily Fail

Organic vs. normal

Yep, in story one organic vegetables “aren’t as good for your health”, yet in story two “pesticides on fruit and veg interfere with male fertility”.

You’ve got to have some kind of admiration – and not necessarily positive admiration – for a ‘newspaper’ that can have two opposing viewpoints in two stories right next to each other.

David Attenborough on God

David Attenborough…

David Attenborough

I often get letters, quite frequently, from people who say how they like the programmes a lot, but I never give credit to the almighty power that created nature. To which I reply and say “Well it’s funny that the people, when they say that this is the evidence of the Almighty, always quote beautiful things. They always quote orchids and hummingbirds and butterflies and roses”.

But I always have to think too of a little boy sitting on the banks of a rier in west Africa, who has a worm boring through his eyeball, turning him blind before he’s five years old. And I reply and say “Well presumably the God you speak about created the worm as well”.

And now I find that baffling, to credit a merciful God with that action.  And therefore it seems to me safer to show things that I know to be truth, truthful and factual, and allow people to make up their own minds about the moralities of this thing, or indeed the theology of this thing.

The True Size of Africa

via Twitter today, I came across this awesome infographic about the true size of Africa by Kal Krause.

I’ve also uploaded it here, because it really is an excellent illustration of the size of Africa, compared to other major areas/countries.

The true size of Africa, copyright Kal Krause

Batman vs Penguin

Nabbed via @Mattverso on Twitter (and hosted originally on imgur), I think this is seriously cool…

Batman vs. Penguin

I love images like this, where you can turn them round and see something else. I can’t remember the precise name for them – but they’re cool as hell.

In a similar vein, the 20th Anniversary collector’s edition DVD of  Princess Bride was equally cool.

The lettering is the same both ways