Posted: Fri 12 November, 2004 Filed under: General Leave a comment »
The first batch of photo prints for the charity came back yesterday, and it was an interesting experience. Having to look at them with a critical eye, seeing what I think of them, and how they’ll look from the client’s point of view. There are a couple that could do with being edited a bit more and reprinted, but in general yeah, I’m pleased with how they’ve turned out.
I’m going to do a bit of work tonight, putting them together in a way that looks good, and get them delivered over the weekend. See what they think of them.
In general I’ve actually been pleased with the photos so far. It was odd receiving the prints though – in some way, it made the entire thing feel “real” somehow. It’s hard to describe, but I think it was probably something to do with the reality, with knowing that these prints were going to go off to the client, that this was the first piece of photography for which I’m actually being paid.
I’m sure I’ll waffle on a bit more about this over the weekend, and yes, I’ll be putting up bits and bobs, maybe some details in the next few days, seeing what other people think too.
Posted: Fri 12 November, 2004 Filed under: General Leave a comment »
Yay, Stinky® isn’t in today, which means the atmosphere is already a lot less polluted. Instead it’s given me the opportunity to edit the CV a bit, and send off yet more application emails. Fun fun fun, thanks to Jobserve.
Posted: Thu 11 November, 2004 Filed under: General Leave a comment »
I spoke to an agency yesterday about a job I’m actually interested in. Based in Reading, paying a decent amount (not the ideal amount, but certainly doable) and offering the kind of work I want. The agent sounded optimistic about it too, which can be an optimistic sign, and is going to put me forward for it.
The company has a tiny web-presence at the moment, little more than a holding page, so today I put together a little four-page demo site in an hour or so, just to demonstrate some of what I could do, and also to show that I’m interested in making a bit more effort in order to get the job.
No idea what the feedback will be – or even if there will be any – but I figure I can’t really do much more than that pre-interview. And now I’ve told the agent it’s there, so I’ll just have to see how it all goes…
Posted: Thu 11 November, 2004 Filed under: General Leave a comment »
Prospect Tower (again)
Well, it’s taken me a couple of days to get round to it, but some of the photos from the trip to Prospect Tower are now online. I ended up getting about 70 shots, so there’s only a selection on d4d™ for now, but it should convey some feelings about the place.
Posted: Thu 11 November, 2004 Filed under: General Leave a comment »
Bloody Hell. Not content with either being close to, or having just gone over, the 300,000th page impression (guess who hasn’t done a proper log report in a while?) I realised that d4d™’s webspace was becoming awfully tight. Somehow I’ve managed to accrue 48Mb of data for the site, although I think a lot of that is down to the photos and so on.
Anyway, as a result of that I got in touch with 34sp, the hosting service I use for d4d™ and upped the webspace from 50Mb to 75Mb. A princely £10 for the year, and that should give me some time/space(pardon the pun) to sort out everything else.
And yes, must do that log analysis tonight, see how d4d’s doing.
Posted: Wed 10 November, 2004 Filed under: General Leave a comment »
Following on from last month’s Theory Test fuckup, today was the day for the re-arranged test. At least this time I got a postal confirmation through, along with the address, and some directions. Which basically say “the test centre is by Oldham Mumps train station, just off Oldham Way”.
Which, in essence, is correct. Assuming you have the ability to jump over 12 foot walls, and don’t mind trespassing across rail tracks.
When I finally found the centre (the street and industrial estate it’s on still don’t show up on either Streetmap or Multimap, but that’s just being picky I suppose – the fact they’re also not in the Manchester A-Z is another example of pickiness) it’s not off Oldham Way either, it’s off Hamilton Street, which is off Lees Road, which is off Oldham Way. So in short, the instructions for finding the place are shit.
Anyway, I’ve spoken to Pearson Vue, who run the test centres, and there’s going to be a deeply snotty letter getting sent off to them – according to the people in the centre itself, this is a common occurrence, but Pearson Vue don’t do anything about it.
Oh, and after all the hassle, I passed it no worries. *Grin*
Posted: Wed 10 November, 2004 Filed under: General Leave a comment »
Not Good
So far, today’s not going all that well. I really can’t get myself going, and motivation is a major issue. Well, the lack of it is, anyway.
More will be written at some point today,I’m sure, but for now, it’s – well – going to be slow going, I think.