
For various reasons that as yet I can’t be chuffed to go into here, I’ve today had to be looking for a couple of toy-shop websites. The one for Toys’R’Us is OK, but the one for Toymaster is utter fucking shite. On a slow dial-up line (and dear lord 56K is a pain in the bum after getting used to broadband) it takes forever to download, and also insists on loading Macromedia’s Flash7 plug-in, which will take another eternity. If you don’t load the plug-in, the site still loads, but you can’t find anything on the store finder (you have to do it all via the nice swishy Flash map) and it’s a sack of shit.

There’s also no way of contacting Toymaster’s web people in order to tell them it’s a sack of shit. But that’s something I’ll be working on come Monday…


Another quiet weekend beckons for d4d™, as I’ll be away from home again. Mainly I’ll be down in Berkshire, but as it’s also Mother’s 60th Birthday we’ll be over there for the day on Sunday. Photos may follow. Then again, they may not…

We wish you a Merry Fester

Mind you, I must admit that I like the idea of the world’s biggest “christmas tree” whose lights are being switched on today. If you’re going to do it, do it in style. 35m high, and nearly 2000 lights.

It certainly puts those manky piece-of-shit external house decorations to shame.

Fester All The Way

All the classics – Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, White Christmas, Gone With The Wind, Mary Poppins, The Wizard Of Oz, The Sound Of Music.

Diamond Geezer has all the times. 30 days to go – and in one months time it’ll all be over. Now that is what I call a Christmas Countdown.

Ad Blocking

I know it’s taken me a long time to figure this out, but I’ve just started using FireFox’s Adblock plug-in, and bloody hell, it’s good. Simply right-click on the advert and go down to the “Adblock Image” option. Get rid of everything past the domain name and voila, no more adverts on that website.

In most cases it even gets rid of the “spare” white space, so it’s not just the Ad it removes, but everything to do with it. Brilliant.


One of the IT managers here has just been asking one of the developers how to Find/Replace in MS Word®. I despair.


Bloody hell, and buggery cuntflaps. I missed the day of going over the 300,000th page impression. The 200,000th only happened in July, so I reckon d4d™ must be doing pretty well. There were a couple of big spike-days in October for some reason, but it’s just generally been getting busier and busier.

Thanks to all readers – gawd only knows why you all keep coming back, but it’s great that you do! *Grin*