
I only have one question about this story. Why are the boy’s eyes glowing red as though he’d been satanically possessed in a cheap straight-to-video horror flick?

Scary or what…


Amazingly, I’m in Manchester this weekend. I was supposed to be here next weekend too, but that plan has now changed, due to an interview down in Bracknell. Yes, the first interview, and about fucking time too.

Ah joy, a week to *cough* look forward to it.

Plague Ward

Rail safety experts are investigating the cold and flu risks faced by commuters packed on trains. With the flu season upon us, we ask experts what does lurk among bus, rail and Tube passengers?

It’s another of those “no shit, sherlock” moments. People who commute to work in public transport are more likely to catch colds etc. Shocker. You only have to be doing it to know how many people at any one time are sniffing and sneezing their way through the journey.

However, I also feel that on occasion it has a beneficial outcome too – because it results in a tougher immune system than the people who commute to work in their own little environmental microcosm. Or “car” if you prefer.

Fuck My Luck

Oh God, it’s going to be one of those days. Friday tends to be a “dress-down”, which in some contexts is fine. However, bear in mind that it’s now Winter, the office is like a sweatbox (the thermometer near me is reading 25°C) and Stinky® is on top form.

Coming in through the office’s front door, I took one breath and knew he was in. It’s that bad. And because it’s “dress-down” he’s also opted to wear a wooly jumper. Fuck knows why – I’ve never claimed to understand the mindset of the odiferous.

Thank chuff for Glade® plugins. My section of the office may now start smelling like a Macdonalds shitter, but it’s miles better than the alternative.


I must admit, I’m pleased to see that David Bieber has been found guilty of murder and attempted murder. I’ve not commented on it ’til now, but the story of what this man did was pretty horrific. I can’t even imagine being on the jury, and hearing the recording of policeman Ian Broadhurst pleading with Bieber for his life before being shot executed at point blank range.

Bieber’s story about the killer having been “a friend” that “he wouldn’t betray” really didn’t appear to hold any water at all, and yes, I’m glad that he’s been found guilty.

Counting Down The Days

Ye Gods, we’re already in December. My last month in Manchester. Time’s flying past. Waiting for agencies to get back to me about jobs is becoming a frustration, and I just want everything to be sorted.

More frustrating is the current work. There’s no particular point in starting any new projects, and it just feels like I’m treading water. I want to move on now, and yet I can’t for another three or four weeks.

But still, I know it’s not long now, and it’s all going to bring 2004 to a good close. And 2005’s definitely going to be an interesting year!

World AIDS Day

It’s December 1st, which among other things means it’s World AIDS Day. This year in the UK, it’s about reminding us all that HIV is an issue for everyone.

The 2004 Annual Report from the Health Protection Agency shows that there are now 53,000 adults living with HIV/AIDS in the UK, 27% of whom are unaware they have the virus.

There were 6,606 new infections diagnosed in the UK during 2003, 58% (3801) of these were amongst heterosexuals, with gay and bisexual men accounting for 26% (1735). That’s an 8% rise in cases in one year.

The National AIDS Trust is one place you can donate to help, as is the Terrence Higgins Trust.