Utterly Fucked
Posted: Wed 15 December, 2004 Filed under: General Leave a comment »High-Rise
Posted: Wed 15 December, 2004 Filed under: General Leave a comment »Anyway, while I’m waiting for news, I’m also thinking about next year , where to go, what to see, all that kind of gubbins. And one thing that’s certainly looking like it’ll be on the list is the world’s tallest bridge which was opened this week in France. The highest section is taller than the Eiffel tower. I wonder if it’s got stopping places so you can take photos from it?
Hanging on the Telephone
Posted: Wed 15 December, 2004 Filed under: General Leave a comment »Today’s a bit of a crunch day. I’m supposed to hear back from both agencies about the jobs I interviewed for on Friday. I can’t deny, I’m nervous and just want to know whether I’ve got something to start work with on 4th January, or if I’m going to continue running round like a mad thing to get work sorted.
In some ways it’s been a frustrating process – loads of applications and CVs without much feedback. I did have a phone interview on Monday as well (just before the 2nd interview for the 2nd job) which may prove interesting. But right now I just want to know about the two I interviewed with.
Obviously news will be published here as and when I get any.
Art for All
Posted: Sun 12 December, 2004 Filed under: Depression, General Leave a comment »I love the story today about Mad for Arts, which according to the BBC story is designed to enable people with experience of mental illness to express themselves through art.
It’s always been said that those with mental illnesses can sometimes be more in touch with their own creative side, and if it helps to express those feelings and thoughts in a ceative and non-destructive way then I think the initiative deserves all the coverage and publicity it can get.
Mirabile Dictu
Posted: Sat 11 December, 2004 Filed under: General, Travel Leave a comment »The train journey down to Reading on Thursday evening was nothing short of miraculous. In fact, I think it was actually a first. Uncrowded – busy, but not rigid.
But the miraculous part? The part that made me think Virgin didn’t know I was on this train? The thing wasn’t just on-time, but it actually came in to Reading FIVE minutes early! My flabber has never been quite so gasted.
Posted: Sat 11 December, 2004 Filed under: General Leave a comment »Well, both interviews went well – even the travel to London was OK, which was a bit of a shocker. The first one had some techie guff I honestly didn’t know, but I think I made up for it by understanding where I’d gone wrong and so on. Always helps, really.
The second one was interesting too – and I’ve got a second interview with them on Monday! Eek. Talk about time moving in really quickly. Still, I guess that I should be optimistic on that score, and fingers crossed for Monday…
Reading Up
Posted: Tue 7 December, 2004 Filed under: Geeky, General Leave a comment »Well, the first interview on Friday is a biggie, as I said below. I’m spending a considerable amount of time over the next few days reading up on a couple of the technologies they use, just to make sure I know what I’m whittling on about.