New Job
Posted: Tue 4 January, 2005 Filed under: General 1 Comment »The new job is fine, by the way. Induction days are always dire, but this one’s not been too bad at all. In general I feel pretty optimistic about the entire thing, and we’ll just have to see how it all goes.
Posted: Sun 2 January, 2005 Filed under: General 3 Comments »You can tell Christmas is over. The shelves are full of Cadbury’s Creme Eggs.
Busy going on Manic
Posted: Sun 2 January, 2005 Filed under: General, News Leave a comment »Well, what a happy new year it is so far. I’ve got a cold, and we’ve been to Ikea today (More ranty about that in a bit, I suspect) although seeing the parents yesterday was kind of cool. I’m looking forward to relaxing a bit tomorrow now before starting off the new job on Tuesday. Nervous? No, not really – I’m actually quite enthusiastic about it, which is a pretty bizarre concept, all things considered…
Lots of shopping has been done, Life insurance has been bought, Ikea has been visited, I’m even starting to work on weight-loss through doing a weightwatchers-style plan. Now there is a scary concept!
Posted: Fri 31 December, 2004 Filed under: General 1 Comment »Oh yes, and in the end it looks like the bits we want are going to be from Ikea®. Oh goody – another journey to Brent Cross.
Posted: Fri 31 December, 2004 Filed under: Festering Season, General Leave a comment »Grrr, shopping between Christmas and New Year is a fucking nightmare. So far in the last couple of days we’ve looked at umpteen furniture stores (including a journey to the Pit of the Earth – AKA Ikea) as well as some other places for clothes and general domestic stuff. The furniture places (excluding Ikea) were fairly OK, but the general stores were only classifiable as Hell On Earth™.
Still, all over for the moment, and it’s a New Years’ Eve in Reading with friends. Have a good one, one and all.
Posted: Thu 23 December, 2004 Filed under: General 4 Comments »Norfolk, Here I come.
Don’t expect much here ’til after Christmas now. The wilds of Norfolk are not known for their internet connectivity…
Happy Happy Day
Posted: Wed 22 December, 2004 Filed under: General 1 Comment »And that’s it, I’m no longer working in Oldham. Eighteen months, gone not with a bang but a whimper.