
I’ve just had a message left on my phone regarding a job that I was interested in back before Christmas. God knows what they’ve been playing at, but it’s only now coming to a phone-interview stage.

Now, bearing in mind I’m already in a new job, but that this one sounded really interesting, do I bother arranging the phone interview?

Decisions, Decisions.


At risk of going off down a slightly trippy-hippy path today, I’ve been thinking a fair amount about plant bulbs of late. We’ve got a whole bundle of hyacinths in the house, all of which are currently growing like buggery. And seeing the way they’re doing this – and the speed they’re doing it at – fills me with wonder.

Bulbs are an amazing energy store. The plant lies dormant through the winter (or what passes for it in the UK at the moment) and when spring comes, bang, they go into overdrive. All of a sudden you see leaves sprouting through, and in the case of amaryllis and hyacinths in particularly, you can virtually watch the things growing. Then the flower-heads start to come out, and finally bloom, and the entire process is – to me, anyway – nothing short of miraculous. Yet plants do it every year.

Sometimes it really doesn’t take much to discover wonder in things. And Spring is the best time of all to see it. It’s bloody everywhere!


It’s definitely been one of those days today. Half the team at work are off sick, and someone in the other department managed to destroy knacker their laptop hard-drive to the extent that the heads have impacted with the disc platters. Now, this is something I’ve never seen happen without the application of a fair amount of force (i.e. thumping) or gravity (i.e. dropping) – it takes an impact of some sort to do this.l

However, on this occasion we’re dealing with the miraculous. The disk heads have somehow magically impacted with the platters without any application of force whatsoever. In fact, the laptop has never even left the person’s desk. That’s quite impressive.

The other downside (having already bought a new laptop drive) is that it’s a Compaq laptop (hey, don’t blame me, I only work here) and as such the drive cage is – shall we say – a cunt. Two of the four screws are fine and standard, the other two have a weird head on them, which is going to require the application of force and brutality a star-head screwdriver. Thanks Compaq for making life SO much more simple…

RIP Ivan Noble

Following on from last week’s post about his last Tumour Diary entry, the BBC today carries the news that Ivan Noble has died.


Time Flies

Bloody Hell, February already.

Where’d January go?

Work Update

It’s hard to believe I’ve been down in Bracknell a month already. Things are still going well, the job’s OK and making me do lots of thinking, and I’m pretty settled. Most unnatural.

There are still things to unpack in the house, although we’ve broken the back of the work, and really it’s now stuff like books that need unpacking, but that’s going to be a gradual process.

But yes, so far 2005 is looking like a good year…


Having signed up with the gym and so on earlier in the week, today was also the day for the sight check-up, as I’ve been hugely slack and not had them tested (Have your eyes ever been checked before? No, they’ve always been brown) in nearly four years.

I’m pleased to say that the prescription has hardly changed. Of course, I’m still what’s technically known as “Blind as a Badger” without them, but with them my sight is OK, and hasn’t changed. So that’s saved me somewhere around £300 straight off this month. Yay!