London Thoughts – part 1
Posted: Tue 8 February, 2005 Filed under: General, Thoughts, Travel, Weirdness 4 Comments »Well, I made it unscathed. It’s a lot easier getting to London from Bracknell than it is from Manchester, that’s for sure. It’s a sod-load cheaper too!
London still strikes me as a strange place though. I suppose that a lot of it is to do with being a city, and having all types/genres of people in a fairly small space. Seeing homeless people outside the ultra-expensive stores like Liberty and Aquascutum always leaves me fairly sad, particularly after the work I did with the homeless charity in Manchester. But it’s more than that – for a city where everyone always seems to be in a rush (while sat at Waterloo it was quite comical seeing all the people running for trains etc.) the pedestrians on Oxford Street and the like seem to have some of the slowest walking speeds known to man.
Also, people seem to be so security unconscious. Travelling on the tube,I could easily see who was listening to an iPod – and if I were of that mindset, I’d probably aim for iPod users as those who’d be likely to have other gadgets and high-cost small-size items on their person. Disposable income, and all that jazz. But there’s the other things too – seeing people with laptop bags slung over one shoulder, dead easy for someone to run past and snatch it without even stopping. And an amazing number of people with bags slung over shoulders and pocket flaps open etc. – just open targets for pickpockets, particularly in busy and crowded environments like Waterloo. People are strange.
Posted: Mon 7 February, 2005 Filed under: General, News 4 Comments »I’m off to London tonight – one of my Linkees, Emily is having her first book published , so I’m going along to the launch party tonight. It’s just off Regent Street, and promises to be quite an interesting event *cough*, so I hope the camera gets some use tonight too…
Death Wish
Posted: Mon 7 February, 2005 Filed under: General Leave a comment »Here in Bracknell, it’s what’s known to meterologists as “bloody foggy” this morning. While you can see your hand in front of your face, you can’t see much past about ten yards. Fortunately it’s not freezing fog, but it’s still not particularly pleasant either.
What amazed me while I walked into work was the number of idiot cyclists* riding along in dark clothing with no lights on. Do they have a death wish?
* = not all cyclists are idiots. These ones, however, are.
Posted: Mon 7 February, 2005 Filed under: General 3 Comments »Over at Little Red Boat, Anna’s been talking about Anarchist socks – believe me, they exist. And I was thinking that socks have actually got really boring since Sock Shop went bust.
When Sock Shop existed, I had a tendency to wear very very silly socks – cartoon characters and the like. Generally kept under cover, due to my preference for Cat boots instead of shoes, but they were there all the same. Since then, well, the variety has been far slimmer, and I’ve ended up resorting to boring socks.
Of course, I realise that this has sod-all relevance to anything at all, it’s just something I was thinking about. I’m sad like that.
Posted: Sun 6 February, 2005 Filed under: General Leave a comment »Yes, again today I’m off to the gym. It’s the second part of the induction, this time on fun stuff like the weight machines. We kind of ran out of time last time, so I’m back again. I’m sure Sunday’s are supposed to be “a day of rest”. *cough*
Anyway, once I’ve had my induction on those, I’ll be seeing what I can get up to on that score as well. I’ve not used them ’til now at this gym, as I wouldn’t have been covered on their insurance, which is fair enough. I know what I’m doing on them, but all the same, always best to be covered just in case I drop a weight on my foot, or a cable goes boing! snap! when I’m using it…
Settling In
Posted: Sun 6 February, 2005 Filed under: General Leave a comment »Should I be worried about the fact we’ve just spent around £100 at Suttons Seeds for stuff to arrive in the next couple of weeks and get planted?
Mind you, most of those are mini-plants (i.e. they’re not just seeds, these are ones we can pretty much just transplant into the earth) so that’s not as bad as it could be. And in there have also been things like purple carrots (I can’t resist something that sounds that strange/different/interesting) and some potato buckets. All very self-sustaining and green. 2005’s going to have a lot of interesting stuff going on, I’m certain 🙂
Posted: Sat 5 February, 2005 Filed under: General Leave a comment »I’m sure I could find interesting stuff to write – but for some reason today my mind is an utter blank.
I’ll probably have more later – but don’t hold your breath.