Posted: Thu 17 February, 2005 Filed under: General Leave a comment »Yes, the post below had a semi-derogatory term in it initially. I’ve changed it, for a number of reasons.
Partly, my mood wasn’t where it should’ve been yesterday, but that’s no excuse. Really, there’s no excuses at all. I was just being a slightly crass twat.
Ireland Beware!
Posted: Wed 16 February, 2005 Filed under: General, Travel 7 Comments »Advance Warning for inhabitants of the Republic of Ireland – it looks like we’re going to be visiting Dublin, Kilkenny, and a few other places in early June. Be afraid, be very afraid.
Posted: Wed 16 February, 2005 Filed under: General 6 Comments »At work I have to use Windows XP Pro. Frankly, I wouldn’t use it anywhere else.
The current bugbear is that it’s auto-updated today, and (as with Windows the world over) it now wants to restart. I don’t want it to yet – I’ve got a couple of processes running that need to be completed before I ditch them halfway through. XP’s just thrown up it’s fourth message telling me that it needs to restart, and there’s a nagging icon in the system tray.
The other part with that icon is that if you hover over it, it produces the message
This computer hasn’t been restarted since you last installed updates. Click here to complete the installation process
This isn’t quite as helpful as you may think. Clicking on it will stop everything you’re doing, dump all the processes, and restart the computer. That’s ‘completing the process’. No warning, just click on it and your work is fucked. Nice,helpful messages, and SO user-friendly.
Why doesn’t Windows have an “Oh, fuck off and stop bothering me, you sack of shit. I turn you off every night, fucking wait ’til then, for crying out loud!” option?
Posted: Tue 15 February, 2005 Filed under: General 4 Comments »I don’t know what it is about the men in this office building where I now work, but on any given day the toilets are abso-fucking-lutely revolting by mid-day. It’s not a one-off, this is every working day. They stink, and every single toilet (as opposed to urinal) has shite-marks all round the inside. It’s not like the office building doesn’t provide bog-brushes, it’s (I suspect) that the majority of the ‘men’ in here just don’t use them.
The worst bit though is the lack of flushage. (hmmm, good word – must remember that one) I swear some of them must be so proud of what they’ve done, they want to display it to the world. And frankly there’s very little as unappealing as walking into a toilet cubicle to be confronted by a floating log of such proportions that one can only wonder whether the layer of said log had recently been buggered by a whale.
I feel sorry for the cleaners – every morning the toilets are in pristine condition, by mid-day they’re layered in shite yet again. It must be a hugely demoralising task.
Why is it that some men (and, though I have little knowledge, some women too) seem incapable of brushing/flushing/being some kind of decent human being?
Posted: Tue 15 February, 2005 Filed under: General 3 Comments »In spite of things finally taking a turn towards the successful at work today, I’m still highly uninspired on what to write for d4d™ today. All the media seem to be utterly hyped about London’s 2012 Olympics campaign which
(along with Diamond Geezer – sorry, DG – my mistake, and I’ll learn to read next time, promise.) I frankly don’t give a toss about, particularly what the IOC will think during their inspection . I’m not convinced that London is the best bid, nor that it’ll be best for Britain. Just by location it’s going to put off at least half the country from going – at least the Commonwealth Games in Manchester were accessible to more of the country with ease. Ah well.
In fact, one of the more interesting things today is Jamie Oliver *spit* talking about the challenges in updating school menus to reflect something other than “pizza and chips”.
Finally, some success
Posted: Tue 15 February, 2005 Filed under: Geeky, General Leave a comment »After a large number of hours, finally work is getting somewhere, and things are beginning to look like I might actually know what I’m doing.
Scary – but overall a pretty good feeling.
VD – 1
Posted: Mon 14 February, 2005 Filed under: Festering Season, General 1 Comment »Yes, the header image has changed for the day, to reflect it being Valentine’s Day (AKA ‘Another Retail cash-in Day”)
Aptly, the image is taken from a shot of the St Valentines Day Massacre. So there.