Jug-Ears vs. Horseface

Hallelujah, Jug Ears has finally tied the knot with HorseFace.

Now can we all shut the fuck up about it and move on?



Bugger. After less than a week, the display on my new phone has a scratch on it.

Entirely my own fault – I have a nasty habit of just shoving my phone in a trouser pocket, along with keys, change, whatever. Of course, this does mean there’s a tendency for metal to interact with glass phone display in a way that’s not complimentary to the phone.

So, in a fit of protective glory, I’ve bought a case for the phone. I normally don’t bother, but well, the display’s kind of useful on the phone, and I’ve got it for another 11 months or so, so I’d best take a bit of care of it.


This week is one that can only be filed under either “Insane” or “Running Round Like a Fuckwit”. I haven’t decided which, yet.

Yesterday was mentally busy. Tonight involves going out with Herself for a meal and cinema. Wednesday is The Last Lesson Before The Test (eek), Thursday I’m seeing Dead Can Dance at London Forum (which used to be the Town and Country Club, back in the days), and Friday may just involve collapsing and doing nowt. Alternatively, it may involve something I simply haven’t remembered about yet.

The weekend’s not looking much better – another journey to sort out someone else’s video (their old knackered one is being replaced by one of our old working ones that’s been outmoded by TiVo and Sky+) which if I’d had a brain-cell I’d have done yesterday, only I forgot. *sigh*

Wrapped up in there too is seeing a friend who’s just had a new baby, churning out a newsletter and press-release for the charity, and a bundle of other things too.

Posts may be somewhat less than usual this week. Or they may be more prolific. It’s a toss-up.


Today is the birthday of Herself.

So Happy Birthday from me – although she’s already had the pressies and so on.


Yesterday was a “day off”. For those not in the know, a “day off” involves far more running round like a silly bastard than anything else yet discovered.

Yesterday involved :

  • Picking up the van we’d hired for the day
  • Back to the house, load up, and go to the dump with the first load
  • Dump run complete,back to the house, and load :
    • Sofa
    • Rocking chair
    • Double bed mattress plus two divan bases
    • 3 75l bags of Compost
    • two tables
    • Electric fire
    • two or three other bags of stuff
    • fridge
    • freezer
  • Deliver the double bed to friends in Reading
  • Drive to the parents, and deliver the fridge
  • Drive to Herself’s grandfather’s place, and deliver the rest
  • Having unloaded, load up two single beds plus divan bases
  • Drive to local “house clearance” place, and drop off the beds and bases
  • Back to grandfather’s place
  • Drive back to Bracknell

Nice easy day off, as you can see.

Away again

This weekend we’re away down in Somerset, and this time we’re taking The Hound, which should make life interesting. Walks along the beach, Hound chasing seagulls into the sea, all that kind of thing.

Of course, what this also means is that there won’t be many updates over the weekend. I’ve left a couple to go up at various times, but no, it’s going to be quiet for the weekend.

Have a good one!


Nice to see some timely spoofs on certain sites. Diamond Geezer has truly entered into the spirit of things, as has Troubled Diva.

Obviously these links will only work for today.

Me? Can’t be arsed to do much for April 1st. So there.

UPDATED : Mike has pointed out Anna’s Little Red Boot feels much the same, but Big’n’Juicy has entered into the spirit.