Posted: Tue 17 May, 2005 Filed under: General 1 Comment »Feeling fairly crap today, for some reason. I’ve taken the day off from work, and I suspect I really just need to recuperate a bit.
However, it has also given me the chance to do some odds and sods that needed sorting. Press releases, domestic stuff, and looking through for some websites to organise and hopefully get sorted. So still productive, just quiet at the same time!
Derren Brown – Reading Hexagon
Posted: Sat 7 May, 2005 Filed under: General, Reviews(ish) 3 Comments »While I still haven’t seen the show that Gordon’s referring to, we did see Derren Brown live last night. And it was bloody good.
Rather than “just” being a string of stunts, Derren turned out to be excellent on stage – funny, relaxed, interesting, clever – and more than a little creepy in places. The section where he walks on broken glass was – for me – the weakest part of the show, but it was still interesting to see. It was also fun to see Pix called on stage from the audience – yes, Pix, your “Oh fuck” was easily lip-read off the camera that was on you at the time! Just one of those random occurrences, but still good to see.
The final set piece was excellent too, although I won’t describe it as perhaps it would ruin it for people who have yet to see the show. (There’s still a lot of it to go, including some seventeen days in London’s Cambridge Theatre) The explanation at the end was enough to appease the mind, but still leaves plenty of room for “Yeah, but how did he do that bit”.
And really that’s what a stage “magic” act is all about.
Posted: Sat 7 May, 2005 Filed under: Domestic, General Leave a comment »Utterly, without a doubt, well-and-truly fucked. That’s my mental and physical state today. And it’s all been domestic.
We’ve moved (with myself doing most of the heavy stuff) a ton of 20mm gravel, and a similar amount of earth/turf. That’s no mean feat in a day, it has to be said.
Of course, my back and legs are now really letting me know about it, even after a hot shower with “revitalising” (pause for laughter) shower gel. Tomorrow’s not so bad, as most of the day will be taken up with attending the first birthday of the son of some friends. But tonight will be filled by doing sod-all except watching shitey movies.
Posted: Sat 30 April, 2005 Filed under: General Leave a comment »Oooh, coming back from Center Parcs we had a package waiting from Amazon.
In it was Season 5 of the West Wing on DVD, and the new book by John Connolly, “The Black Angel“. So, it looks like I’ll be a happy bunny for a while…
Posted: Sun 24 April, 2005 Filed under: Animals, General 2 Comments »In today’s impressive tasklist, one achievement stands out above all others.
I broke a spade.
Yes, I actually broke the thing. Cracked the metal blade right across. In fairness, it was fairly old (about seven or eight years) and not overly strong, plus we were digging in fairly clay-y soil, but still, I’ve broked a spade. Bizarrely I’m quite chuffed about this. Although it does mean that we need to buy a new – and far sturdier – spade once we get back next weekend. It’s a hardship.
However, today we’ve also put up two fence panels plus metposts, concrete, trellis, the lot. There’s been a lot of preparation done for the week away, and now we’re both – frankly – utterly fucked.
Hound is now away for the week too, at her favourite kennel-type place, and the house is horrendously quiet without the barky little sod. Roll on tonight, and tomorrow’s travel etc.
Posted: Sat 23 April, 2005 Filed under: General 1 Comment »Apparently, one of the cardinals up for selection was a cardinal named Sicola.
He was voted out because they didn’t want a Pope Sicola.
Kerboom, and indeed tish.
Getting Sorted
Posted: Fri 15 April, 2005 Filed under: General 1 Comment »The Cat is now at the vets, having successfully been unfed, caught, boxed, and delivered.
He will now be going under heavy sedation, and they’ll be pretty much shaving him, except for head, tail, and paws. So yeah, kind of like a poodle. I can’t wait.
And yes, photos will be posted.