
I don’t know why, but today I just feel flat. Well, flat out exhausted, to be exact. I don’t want to be feeling like this, because I know there’s a whole bundle of things I could/should be doing. But I just can’t break through the knackered feeling in order to build up the energy/ enthusiasm that’ll let me do anything.

All very odd. And not very pleasant. Not my normal type of mindset at all. But it’s actually been tempting to just go back to bed and lie down for a while. Thing is, last time I did that I didn’t wake up for eighteen hours, which is something I’d rather miss, if possible.

Ah well, I’m sure I’ll be back to normal tomorrow.

Little Fuckers

We woke up this morning to find that the car was minus its rear windscreen. Not broken, not smashed, just gone. From the looks of it, some little fucker had cut round the window seals, and just taken out the entire piece of glass. Nothing else stolen, no damage to the car, just the rear windscreen gone. No idea exactly when, because we didn’t hear a thing.

Of course, the Hound, who barks at random bits of silence and noise on occasion made absolutely sod-all sound last night. As a guard-dog, she’s fucking useless.

So anyway, out comes Yellow Pages, followed (about thirty minutes later) by a man from AutoGlass. On a job to a different car. But he has a quick check on ours too, as he’ll be back later to sort it.

Oh, there’s no seals on the window. I’m not sure we’ll be able to do that today.
Well, we explained that when we spoke to the 0800 number, and they said it’d be fine.
Oh, I’m not sure I’ve got the seal. You’d best check with them…

So we get back on to the 0800 number, and after a while it turns out it’ll be OK, they’ll get the guy to pick up the seals at the same time.

Another hourish later, Mr Autoglass comes back – with seals and window, no worries.

“We’ll just tap this in, it’ll be a dead quick job.”
*tap, tap, tap*

The entire thing had shattered, and Mr Autoglass had put his hand through it. Ooops. Luckily he’s not hurt – a small cut, nowt else – but there’s now glass every-fucking-where, and he’s got to go to Slough to get a new rear windscreen.

It’s going to be one of those days…

Observation Round – Part Two

Twunty Manager™ : “Lyle, why didn’t you stay late at work last night and help us put the servers in?”
“Did you ask me to?”
“Well, there you go.”

And then people wonder why I’ve no respect for my *cough* superior…


This weekend, we’ll be going up to Chelsea Flower Show. I’m actually looking forward to it, as I’ve never been before.

Also, it’ll give me a chance to use that Flickr account I was so nicely given a while ago…


I have to say, tonight, I’m shattered.

Another ton of gravel has been deposited on the garden, and we’ve also removed a full skips-worth of earth in the process of remodelling what we’ve got. So between the two of us, we’ve probably lifted/wheelbarrowed/hauled/skipped between three and four tons of stuff this weekend.

My spine is complaining loudly, as are my arms. Tomorrow I’m back at work for a rest.

In other news, I’ve just turned down an interview tomorrow – having looked at it sensibly, forking out £15-ish per day on travel and taking 90 minutesish each way (assuming the trains run on time) is not what I moved down here for. I’m sure other stuff will come up soon enough, after all.

In other other news, we’ve started thinking about future directions, what we want to do with our lives, and where, and why. It’s not going to really start happening for at least a year yet, as Herself has a Masters to do, but all the same, we’ve got some ideas, and it’s time to start sketching them out into some kind of idea/plan/scheme. Should be interesting.

But for now, I’m off to collapse in bed. See you all tomorrow.


At long last, the charity work is coming together.

We’ve finally put together the first newsletter of ’05, and are distributing it. The press release is ready to go, and will be sent out over the weekend. And everything’s ready to go for the balloon race at the start of June, which should be fun.

It’s taken a fair amount of time to sort out, and there’s still bits to be done, but we’re getting there for sure. And that’s a good feeling.


Feeling far better today.

In fact, really the only low point is having to be in work.