
Oooh, pooh, I’d (almost) forgotten that I’ve got a driving test on Monday. Fark.

So yesterday I had my first driving lesson since the last test. Oops. OK, so it’d kind of passed me by as a “really should keep doing that”. Spoons.

I started off thinking “Sod it, I’m in trouble here, I won’t remember a knacking thing”, but within five minutes it reverted to “Ah, I remember it all. This isn’t so bad”. And it did go really well – I actually enjoyed it, which is more than I was expecting to.

Now, roll on Monday. Eight bastard Forty in the morning. Aargh.


It’s one year ago today that I really got together with Herself. I can’t believe the changes that have happened in that year – and it’s all been for the best. Moving down to Bracknell at the start of this year cemented a lot of things, and even though it’s Bracknell, it’s still been one of the best moves I’ve ever made.

So much has happened in that time, it’s hard to even list it all. And there’s a lot more to come. Not least with the new job – to be honest, the work with CrapCo was the one real downer on having moved, and now I’m moving on from there, I’m feeling a lot more optimistic about things again.

One year down – many more to go.


This post is my 2,700th post on d4d™, according to WordPress. That’s a pretty scary number.

I’ve not yet been writing d4d™ for three years – that anniversary comes at the start of August. By that time I guess I’ll be well over the 2,800 mark – at the moment I’m averaging about 3 posts per day, although that’s including the sparse times where I’d be away for weeks or weekends with access, and with no way to forward post. But now I’ve got those abilities, and I’d reckon I probably average about 4 or 5 posts per day for the most part. That’s a lot of words.

I can’t be arsed to figure out how many words I’ve typed. I could do – and I might do it as a mini-project for when I get to the start of Year Four. We’ll see. It’s in the ideas list, anyway.


Ah, the joys of the holiday checklist…

  • House being looked after, garden watered, and animals fed/ kennelled – check
  • Clothes – check
  • Suit – It’s a wedding we’re going to, after allcheck
  • Euros – check
  • E111 and travel insurance – check(just)
  • Booking confirmations…
    • Flight
    • Car
    • Hotel / B&B bookings
    • Thiefrow airport carparking


  • Guidebook / Maps – check
  • Hand-luggage
    • Passport/ ID
    • Reading material
    • Change of clothes – spot who’s seen the effects of lost luggage
    • Soft Drink
    • Anti-travelsickness things for Herself
    • Laptop
    • Camera


  • Batteries / Chargers / USB Cable – check

I’m sure I’ve forgotten something – Gawd knows what, but I’ll probably remember it at half five tomorrow morning once we’re checked in.

Final Stages

Ah, joy. Notice written, ready to hand in.

Today is – already – a good day.


Earlier this week, Pix wrote a post about the events that had happened in her life since she started writing/ blogging/ whatever we’re calling it this week. Anyway, it made me think back, and wonder what I was doing when I started d4d™ back in August ’02. And I couldn’t actually think where I’d been at the time.

I haven’t yet done the full count, but in that time I reckon I’ve worked for about ten different companies, as well as working for myself and having a whole bundle of different clients for websites etc. That’s kind of scary – particularly when I’ve got another new one coming up!

At some point I think I may come up with a list similar to Pix’s. That might make for a semi-interesting post while I’m away next week…

Ad Watchdog

God, sometimes you’ve just got to wonder at the ASA (Advertising Standards Authority). They’ve just ruled that the KFC “singing with a full mouth” advert didn’t break any guidelines despite a record 1,600 complaints about it.

There doesn’t seem to be any real consistency in their rulings. Earlier this year, the ad with Ainsley Harriott kissing a stove (ah, if only it’d been on) because it could influence children to do the same, yet they say the KFC one won’t encourage them to talk with mouths full of food. Slightly contradictory, but there we go.

I notice that now there’s one for Fanta “light” (or whatever they’ve now rebranded it to) that involves spitting out the drink. I wonder how many complaints that one’ll get?