
In the last hour while I’ve been on lunch, I’ve managed the following :

  • Booking two places on part-time education courses for September
  • Booking tickets to see Dan Cruickshank and Jo Brand (on different days, I should add)
  • Ordered a new Switch card, as my current one is heading for Bendsville and Crack City
  • Bought and eaten lunch (best to not forget that one)
  • Bought two cards, one for Brother’s birthday and one as a good luck thing for a friend starting a new job on Monday
  • and

  • read another 50 pages of my current book

Lazing on a Friday afternoon indeed.

No shit

Hallelujah, for the tide may be about to turn. Research is showing that people who download music buy more music. Personally I’ve always thought this was the case – I use online music in a similar way to how we used to use cassettes from friends etc. – it’s a chance to hear some new stuff, and then if you like it, buy the album.

According to this report, people who download music spend four and a half times as much on music as those who don’t download any. I’m sure that the record industry will say “yes, but that’s not the point” and come up with some half-arsed defence, but maybe – just maybe – there’s a chance that they’ll start seeing sense now.

Mind you, I wouldn’t hold my breath hoping for that to happen.

All Change

The weekend’s involved a lot of moving around – the office at home has moved into the second bedroom, so that we’ve both now got desks and the like. Of course this has also meant moving computers, and the bed out of the bedroom and in to the garage for a while ’til we get a decent second bed for the (smaller) new second bedroom.

All fun – and of course sorting out a wireless network etc. as well as everything else really made life fun.

Still, it’s all done now, and everything seems to be (so far) running smoothly. No-one is more amazed than me. *grin*

Racial Tolerance

I’ve kept on forgetting about this – I think my brain’s trying to eliminate it from memory – but when we went down to London on July 10th for the christening (and I still have problems believing I’m actually a godfather, too) the service came up with an utter gem. The poor woman next to me couldn’t stop giggling.

In the middle of a prayer regarding the bombings in London, and preaching religious tolerance came the line :

For all people, whether they be white, black, khaki, or yellow

I think everyone who heard it (i.e. all those who weren’t comatose/ braindead by that point) just thought “What the hell?”

No such thing as failure

I’m sorry, but I just can’t resist.

Teachers are now saying that there should be no such thing as “failure”. Instead it should be called “deferred success”.

I’m not going to do it tonight, but worrieth not, a rant will be forthcoming on this one, you can be sure.

Deferred success, my aching ringpiece.

Utterly Knackered

The fete went fine – the balloon race was a nightmare to handle, but was successful all the same. Lucky Dip and Candyfloss are always big sellers though, so we did pretty well.

Father’s birthday meal at The Old Fisherman was great, and all went well.

We got back at midnight, and then had to be in London for the Christening by 9.45, so we’d left the house by 8.30.

In short, we’re knackered. Utterly, totally knackered. So don’t expect much today, and instead there’ll be stuff tomorrow. Probably.

Somewhat Lacking

Posts may be a bit slack over the next couple of days, as I’ve got the following events/work going on…

  • Normal work developing a whole demo site. Involving :
    • Demo Pages
    • Graphic mock-ups
    • redoing everything into XHTML/ CSS/ standards compliant stuff
    • fixing bits of the old site
  • Development of three other sites, of which only one is actually anywhere near even a concept yet
  • Organising stuff for charity fete on Saturday
  • Sorting out other stuff for :
    • Father’s birthday
    • God-daughter’s christening
    • Anniversary – and there’s a mini-rant coming about Interflora on that subject
    • Holiday dates – having changed jobs I’ve got to get them resorted
    • at least one other thing I’m sure I’ve forgotten
  • Press stuff etc. for the charity
  • Nagging other committee members about stuff that needs doing
  • Gym / Bike work
  • Sorting out a budget and organising myself a bit better
  • Probably a bundle of other stuff that my mind is doing trauma-erausre on for the moment

Hope that explains the silence a bit…