Making Me Laugh

“Falling” isn’t something I think I’ve done, when it comes to love. I’m not even sure I’ve even riccocheted or sashayed.

It’s just something I’ve come to and found myself in.

Like IKEA.

Thank you, Anna for that comment on this Pandemian post. Brilliant.

Final Day

Today is the final day of the bathroom suite replacement. Our nice plumbers sorted out the majority of the stuff yesterday, so again we were left with working toilet etc. – always a good thing! Of course, if they hadn’t, it also would’ve meant I’d have been far more reticent about drinking beer last night.

Today he should just be here for a couple of hours, doing the finishing bits. And lo, we’ll have a complete new suite. Happy Day.


Today, Diamond Geezer has a wonderful piece on a subject close to my own heart – Fuckwits/Yokels and Escalators (of course, he phrases it slightly more tactfully)

Well worth the read.

I wrote about this – albeit in a slightly more ranty fashion a long time back. It’s good to see nothing’s changed. Well, except the *cough* design of this site – seeing an old page I hadn’t got round to moving over really is pretty scary. And eye-damaging…


Another memey thing from Pix
Four jobs I’ve had in my life

  1. Shop Manager
  2. Pub/ Hotel Manager
  3. Self Employed IT Contractor
  4. Web Designer/Programmer

Four movies I can watch over and over

  1. Tootsie (sad, but true)
  2. Split Second
  3. Memento
  4. Delicatessen

Four places I have lived (picked from a list of many)

  1. Oxfordshire
  2. Woburn
  3. Rugby
  4. Manchester

Four TV shows I love to watch

  1. West Wing
  2. CSI (Las Vegas)
  3. House
  4. Scrapheap Challenge

Four places I have been on vacation

  1. Ireland
  2. Canary Islands
  3. Scotland
  4. Somerset

Four of my favourite dishes

  1. Thai Curry
  2. Lasagne
  3. Pasta in general
  4. Scallops

Four websites I visit daily

  1. Gordon
  2. Slashdot
  3. BBC News
  4. Userfriendly

Four places I would rather be right now

  1. Scotland
  2. Somewhere Sunny
  3. In Bed
  4. Not Here

New Glasses

Well, in a short while I’m going to be heading to the opticians to pick up my new glasses. They’ve been waiting a couple of days, but this is the first opportunity I’ve had to go and get them.

I’m quite looking forward to it, actually. Although that’s probably an indication that I really am quite a sad person in oh so many ways…

Updated : Well, they’re both groovy. Some slight weirdness in one pair, but I think that’s down to a change in lens shape and thickness, which is making one section of vision slightly blurry. I’ll either get used to it, or they’ll fix it. But yes, in general, well sorted.


Despite being closed, it’s fun to see that, apparently, it’s snowing in Uborka-land. Wintry cucumbers ahoy…

Move on, Move on

There really is currently nothing to see here.

Work’s throwing some interesting deadlines at me – a rantish type post may follow over the weekend about that – and the weekend’s looking like a fairly standard level of manic. Saturday is just busy, and Sunday we’re back in London for the Good Food Show “Live”, which should be interesting…