Wheres Good

Over the last couple of weeks I’ve continued working as and when I can on Where’s Good. It’s beginning to come together nicely – of course, it’s still woefully light on reviews and recommendations, but I’m looking at making the site a success on a long-term basis, rather than just an overnight flash in the pan. If I’m right, it’ll all come together.

Anyway, one of the more fun bits of work I’ve done on the site has been to put a blog on it. Yeah, very sad, and very much in keeping with the Web2.0 checklist, but I figure it’s something that might be useful in keeping track of what’s going on, what’s being worked on, etc. etc.

It also gave me a chance to work with WordPress 2.0 , which so far I’ve resisted using on D4D™, for a number of reasons. Mainly, I haven’t had time. But also I know that my WP install is hardly “normal” so it’ll take time to merge it into WP 2.0’s formats. And frankly, I can’t be arsed.

Anyway, it’s all slowly working out, and making steady progress. And I think that’s pretty groovy, all things considered.


On a different note entirely, congratulations to Chris, on getting his proposal accepted.

Nice one!


You know, every time I see a story like this one, about hospitals having to sack people in order to balance their budgets, there’s really only one answer that keeps on coming back to me.

I reckon that if the hospitals eliminated about three levels of useless, pointless middle-management, then they’d…

  1. Save shitloads of money
  2. Be far more efficient
  3. Not be in this situation in the first place

Getting Ideas

OK, another in my “this is a slightly odd request” line of posts.

I’ve got an idea, involving setting up some electronics (nothing complicated – probably (bear in mind my lack of knowledge on this score) but I know sod-all about it) along with some ultra-bright white LEDs. Probably 4, or maybe 8, along with a power source (I’m thinking probably AA batteries) and ideally a touch-sensitive switch.

Although the touch-sensitive is the nice-to-have part, and a normal thumbwheel switch would probably do the job just as well – it’d just be slightly more work than figuring a capacitance-based touch-switch.

Anyway, if anyone who’s good at knocking up that kind of simpleish circuitry were to leave a comment, I’ll get back in touch with the idea, and we can see where it goes from there.



01:02:03 04/05/06 .

What a great date/time…

Radar Failure

One of the things that surprised me last night – and I have to say now, this is not in any way a negative post – is that one of my colleagues is gay.

I’m not surprised that there’s a gay man in the office, and nor do I care. Personally, I don’t give a stuff about people’s orientations, or whatever – it’s just not relevant. I either like people or I don’t, and it’s not based on bigoted crap like that.

No, what surprised me was that I hadn’t figured it out ’til now. Normally my radar on these things is pretty well tuned, and usually accurate, but in this one case, it failed me utterly. Which is a surprise.

Blacklight Tattoos

(via Gordon)

I wonder if this tattoo ink is available in the UK? I really like the idea of a tattoo that doesn’t show up except under UV light…