Posted: Sun 17 September, 2006 Filed under: General, Reviews(ish) Leave a comment »Over the last few days, I’ve been re-reading a trilogy by Poppy Z Brite, based around two chefs and their restaurant, “Liquor”.
Starting off with the eponymous “Liquor“, followed on by “Prime“, and most recently “Soul Kitchen“, the series so far has turned into one of my favourite reads.
They’re emphatically not high-art, and not overly intellectually stimulating, but they make for a good read. Wholeheartedly recommended.
Posted: Fri 15 September, 2006 Filed under: Charm School, Customer Services, General, Travel 1 Comment »One thing that brightened my day this week – I got a full and unreserved apology from the council for the utter fuckup that was made of the recruitment process.
I sent off a letter last Friday to the chief executive of the council, and copied in the head of HR, and the guy I’d been dealing with at the agency. The reply came back within the week, and was exceptionally apologetic, explaining that the guy who had caused the problem has been off sick, and has been replaced by a new interim Head of IT, and that the entire process is now under investigation within the council.
So it sounds like Mr Sensitive is in for a major kicking at the hands of the HR department, and frankly it won’t be anything he doesn’t deserve. And because of the letter, the agency are now going to send an invoice to the council for their recruitment costs, as they got the right person, and got the job offered, but then everything at the council turned to ratshit. Which ain’t the agency’s problem, and as such they might as well see whether they can get anything out of it.
So, a bollocking, an apology, and an agency that’s very happy with me even though I’m not currently working for them. Can’t be bad!
Posted: Mon 11 September, 2006 Filed under: General, Thoughts Leave a comment »So it’s five years since the events of 9/11, and the destruction of the World Trade Center. Blimey, doesn’t time fly?
I do still recall where I was when it happened – nothing special, just working in the Arndale Tower in Manchester. Which made it kind of noteworthy, with the paranoia that followed on from the events in New York. Being sat in a tower block in a city on that day was – well – interesting.
But that’s all I’m going to say on the subject. Everyone else is saying far more than I, and for once I don’t really have anything to add to the general babble.
So I won’t.
Build the Hype
Posted: Tue 5 September, 2006 Filed under: General, Music, Reviews(ish) 1 Comment »Have you heard the single by Lazyboy called “Underwear Goes Inside The Pants”?
It’s been released, and is currently sat at the low end of the 30s on the Top 40. We heard it in the car last night, and laughed ourselves silly.
In short, it’s brilliant. The lyrics go some way to explaining the appeal, but there’s more to it than that. It’s something different, it has a point, and says it well.
Ah, hell, just go to Itunes and look for “Lazyboy” or “Underwear” – it’ll come up in the list. It might be a novelty, but it’s well worth the 79p for the download.
Posted: Wed 30 August, 2006 Filed under: Cynicism, General, Thoughts 2 Comments »Is it me, or is this person just incredibly shallow?
From an early age, I have been taught that to be accepted, to be loveable, to be cool, one must have the right stuff. At junior school, I tried to make friends with the popular kids, only to be ridiculed for the lack of stripes on my trainers.
I know that branding means a lot to many many people, but to me it’s one of those things I’m pretty impervious to. Maybe it’s just because I never got into the entire “Nike vs. Adidas vs. Reebok” thing at school, maybe it’s because the branding stuff was really only just coming in at the time I was in school (Waaaay back in the dark ages) or something, I don’t know. Hell, maybe it’s just because I was dragged up by my parents in a way that meant I could identify myself by methods other than bloody labels. God, reading that back it sounds epically snooty and disparaging. But I think it’s meant to. To identify oneself by ones labels and possessions just seems – to me – to be incredibly shallow and dull.
But then, as I’ve speculated before, I think that most people are actually quite tribal, and it’s these labels and so on that now provide us with the tribe names and ideals. People identify themselves by the fact they were Nike, Adidas, Gucci, Prada, Vuitton, whatever. It’s all part of the lifestyle. And the hooky labels, the faux Chanel, Prada, Burberry, whatever – are they for those who aspire to the lifestyle portrayed by that brand? For those who want to wear all Prada, but can’t afford it?
Diffusion labels are another part of the faux branding, too. Can’t afford Armani? Get Emporio Armani, or even the other one I can’t even recall right now. But it’s all part of the same thought process. “Identify with us. We’re cool, and if you wear our stuff, you’ll be cool too!”
Perhaps I’m just a cynic. Perhaps I’m a hypocrite – I do wear branded stuff, although out of preference (although that preference is based on the practicality of “they do stuff that fits a brick shithouse like me”) I tend to wear either stuff by M&S, or Cotton Traders. But like I said, that preference is based on practicality. And let’s face it, the M&S brand is never likely to identify anyone as owt except Sad. Or maybe Practical. There’s certainly no glamour involved…
But in general I find I don’t give a damn about what label is on something. I tend to not buy anything with huge brands on it – after all, why the hell should I pay money to a company in order to advertise their stuff? Chuff that – I’ll avoid as many brands as possible. But you can’t avoid them completely. Even the famous “no label” brand Muji (where ‘Muji’ is literally ‘no brand’ in – Japanese?) has become a brand in itself. In short, everything’s branded in one way or another.
I guess the decision comes in whether we decide to live with those brands, and buy only specific brands, or whether we go out and make a choice based on something other than a logo. Looking around my desk I see Dell, HP, iMate, Coca-Cola, Dymo, but that’s it. Most of my stuff is bought for non-logo reasons. I don’t know what the answer is to the current brand-addiction, other than that there’s plenty of other things out there that can be far more valuable than identifying yourself through a bloody label.
To Be Continued
Posted: Mon 14 August, 2006 Filed under: General Leave a comment »I’ll blither about a few things later.
First, though, I’ve got to send a highly pissed-off email.
So I’ll write more in a bit.