Posted: Tue 26 December, 2017 Filed under: 2017/18, Cynicism, Domestic, Festering Season, Five Year Plan (now Ten), Getting Organised, Thoughts 2 Comments »And there we go, it’s over for another year. Now we’ve got the perineum of the year, the days between Christmas and New Year, where no-one seems to know what the hell they’re doing. (Me, I’ll most likely be working, but there we go)
And then this time next week we’ll all be back to work, and it’ll be 2018. Time flies, and all that piss.
I’m also taking the opportunity to plan things out a bit for at least the first half of 2018, so I know what the hell I’m doing. (Well, at least have a pretty good indication of what I’ll be doing) I’m already solid for January, but from there I’m hoping to cool things off a bit. (I know, I’ve said the same thing for the last two years as well)
Anyway, for now I’m just happy that we’re about as far away from the Festering Season as it’s possible to be. And that’s definitely a good thing.
Attempting Sensible
Posted: Mon 13 November, 2017 Filed under: 2017/18, Domestic, Five Year Plan (now Ten), Thoughts Leave a comment »In ‘minor miracle’ news, I’m actually trying to be a bit sensible.
The weekend just gone was (for me) quite quiet. I’ve been burning the candle at both ends again, and taking a blowtorch to the middle, so by the time Friday came round I was pretty much done in. So I opted for making the weekend a quiet one – as well as idiotically busy during the weeks, I’m also aware that next weekend is hyper-crammed, so a quiet one was a sensible option.
Then I did have stuff booked in for the weekend after, and I’ve cancelled that out. I may regret it, but anything that was booked up for it, can be re-booked for another weekend. The downtime is needed.
Of course, my brain lets me down on these things – because I’ve cancelled those things, it’s now saying “Ooooh, it’s free, you can do [x], [y] or [z].” So far I’ve succeeded in not succumbing to that seductive “You’ve got to be doing something” voice but as always, it’s a struggle.
We’ll see how it goes. As always, I know I’m at that point of needing the time off, but it’s still hard to persuade my brain that doing nothing is OK.
Fiscal Alterations
Posted: Fri 10 November, 2017 Filed under: 2017/18, Bankruptcy, Cynicism, Domestic, Five Year Plan (now Ten), Rebuilding, Thoughts Leave a comment »Over the coming year, there may well be some interesting changes in the finances, although I don’t completely know yet whether they’ll happen – because no-one is willing to give a definitive answer. Needless to say, that’s frustrating. But hey ho.
The change, if it happens, will be significant. Basically, come August 2018, it’ll be the full six years since my bankruptcy was declared. In theory, that means it should come off my credit score, as all things do after six years. The thing is, no-one can tell me whether it’ll happen. It might be that it won’t come off for a further year, because while it was declared in 2012, the official bankruptcy period lasts a year, so it remained ‘active’ until 2013.
Even when I’ve asked financial advisors and debt counselling people, the best answer I’ve been able to get out of any of them is “It depends”
If that’s the case, it won’t come off my record until August 2019. It’s still livable with, and there’s nothing hyper-urgent or anything about clearing the record. It’d just be nice to know.
Once that’s off my record, then it’s a case of onwards and upwards. I’m doing OK already, but really it’ll be nice to have the clear record. Indeed, for now it’s the only thing that’s holding things back, so I’m looking forward to having it gone. But only time will tell when it’s going to happen.
Already Taken
Posted: Wed 8 November, 2017 Filed under: 2017/18, Art, Depression, Domestic, Five Year Plan (now Ten), Getting Organised, Health, Sculpture, Thoughts, Travel Leave a comment »This morning I came across something that sounded really interesting – Yorkshire Sculpture Park are doing a “Room to Breathe : Four walks in four seasons” event, walking and talking around the park, similar to outdoor/walking therapy.
(Facebook event details here, which includes the dates and so on)
Then I looked on my phone at my diary. Oh cock.
So… despite the event being on four different dates through 2018 (right through to September) I’ve already got stuff booked in on each of them. All four, already taken. *sigh*
You know when I said that one of my targets for 2017/18 was to ‘do less’? Yeah, look how that’s already working out…
Posted: Mon 6 November, 2017 Filed under: 2017/18, Change, Do More, Domestic, Five Year Plan (now Ten), Health, Thoughts, Weigh Less Leave a comment »Yesterday, I got an email from Runkeeper, the app I use for tracking most of my walks.
According to them, in the last year I’ve tracked 803 miles – which isn’t bad, but does still “only” total an average of 2.2 miles per day for the year.
So I did OK (and I’m aware that there’s a lot that Runkeeper doesn’t track, for a number of reasons) but still, I know I can do much better than that…
Come this time next year, it’ll be interesting to see whether I have done more or less than this year’s 803…
Challenge, as they say, accepted.