Parking Tosspot

Ah, it’s been a while since I’ve posted one of these…

As always, the hatch-markings appear to designate a parking space

AJ10WUP, you park like a fuckwit.

Parking 5

And after yesterday’s resurrection of the Parking Photos – another one.

This time, at a pub close to the office.

Not so much over the lines as right in the emergency exit hatchmarks

AJ54RJX, that really does take some doing. Congratulations, you’re a fuckwit.

Parking 4

It’s been a while since I posted any pictures of parking, so I thought I’d fix that…

As it's for sale, they obviously don't want any dents in it

Parked in a different Tesco, but still a Tesco all the same.


Oh goody, another one. But for once, not at Tescos…

Fully in the hatchmarks, not even *close* to a parking spot

In short, a total, total cunt.


Currently, our largest local(ish) Sainsbury’s store is undergoing a major refurbishment – a project which looks like it’s going to roughly double the size of the store.

Not that you’d know it from the Sainsbury’s  information page about the Longwater store.

You’d think that information like “we’re refitting this store” would be useful – and positively easy to add to a webpage, wouldn’t you? But no, no mention of it.

As it is, the improvements mean that the main carpark has been reduced to (at most) half its previous size, along with being completely replanned. But that’s OK, because there’s a big simple overflow carpark over the other side of the access road.

Except – um – there’s not. Because in a fit of total planning genius, they’ve also ripped that up to re-plan it and generally fuck about with it.

So of that 694 spaces listed on the information page ( 647 normal spaces, 22 disabled and 22 ‘parent-and-child’) there’s about 250 left. Of course, all the disabled and ‘parent-and-child’ ones are kept available, it’s just the other ones that’ve been epically reduced.

So fuck you, Sainsburys.

Parking – Yet Again

Another Saturday in Tesco, another tossbag who can’t park their car

This time it wasn’t even over the blank spaces for clear view lines, it was just slap-bang over two parking spaces…

Two spaces, one car


KC51WTE, you park like a cunt.

Covered in Crap

Another sight from the weekend.

Car, covered in bird crap

I'm willing to bet they park under a tree

Amusingly, it was only down one side, but that side was pretty impressive.