A Lack of Life
Posted: Wed 4 January, 2023 Filed under: Domestic, Weirdness 2 Comments »When I moved here, there were two horrible globes of fake-box hanging outside the front window. (Just…. don’t ask. I don’t know.)
I replaced them with two bird feeders, because… well, it’s nice/good to feed birds.
Only it turns out that this area is weird – there seem to be absolutely no small birds in the vicinity at all. Yes, we’ve got pigeons, crows, and magpies. Occasionally starlings. But nothing else, no robins, sparrows, blackbirds, tits (ho ho) or anything. It’s very strange.
I’m leaving the feeders out for the moment, but now I’m aware of this weirdness I notice it even more, and I’ve been looking out more to see if I see anything.
As yet, nope.
I’ve no idea why this might be – the area isn’t chock-full of cats or anything. It just… doesn’t seem to have any birds.
Posted: Mon 2 January, 2023 Filed under: Accounting, Business, Customer Services, Domestic, Getting Organised 4 Comments »One of the things that always surprises me when it comes to dealing with my accountants is how gob-smackingly disorganised a lot of their clients must be. They send out reminders through the year for people to get their receipts in order, to make sure they match what’s in the online portal, and keep on saying about when the deadlines are, when everything has to be ready by.
Personally, I hate being like that – all the stuff I can do for my accounts for last year is already done. My receipts are scanned and linked, my bank statements and transactions files are all completed, all the expenses and so on are logged, it’s basically done. When my accountant sends out their request for everything, I can supply it all by return of email.
It’s still a frustrating experience, though. They’re really geared towards the late submitters, the last minute merchants – so even though I submit rapidly, I still have to wait ’til the processes are done and so on, and that seems to be reliant on the disorganised ones.
I’ve said repeatedly to the accountants that they should have a team that specifically deals with “easy” clients, the ones who are organised and who just get stuff done. Nothing in my accounts is complex – I already know what my 2022 Corporation Tax will be, because the prediction on the online portal is (for me) rarely out by more than a couple of quid. So sorting out clients like me should be at most a week’s work, just get the files in, agree them with what’s been submitted, calculate the figures, and job done. It really can’t be difficult.
But while they always say “Oh yeah, we could do that“, they never do. So I’ve done what I can, and I’ll just wait for the accountants to catch up. It’s deeply fucking annoying, but at least I know I’m on top of things and have done what I can.
2023, We’ll See
Posted: Sun 1 January, 2023 Filed under: D4D™, Domestic 1 Comment »And lo, a new year has happened.
No idea what it’ll bring. For the most part it’ll be interesting to find out.
I don’t make resolutions or whatever. We’ll just see what happens.
I would like to write more here. It’s a habit I’ve got out of, and one I at least have the best intentions of getting back into. Mind you, I said that last year. And the year before.
We’ll see.
2022, Off You Fuck
Posted: Sat 31 December, 2022 Filed under: D4D™, Domestic 1 Comment »The end of another year. And what can I say? It’s been… yeah, it’s been.
For me, purely personally, it’s been OK. I’ve moved location, (mainly) settled in, and organised a bundle of stuff – both getting new things I needed, and getting rid of stuff I didn’t.
As a country, it’s been shit. We’re seeing strikes, discontent, and the culmination of a generation of politically inept kleptocrats. But I don’t need to tell anybody that – we’re all living through it already.
Hopefully 2023 will contain some improvements – or at a bare minimum just be slightly less crap than 2022 has been.
It’s fair to say, though, that 2022 really won’t be missed.
Over and Done With
Posted: Wed 28 December, 2022 Filed under: Domestic Leave a comment »And here we are, through the perils of another Festering Season, and wondering what’s next.
Yes, if you’re feeling particularly pedantic, New Year is next.
Anyway, it’ll be fun finding out. Onwards and upwards, or whatever.
Posted: Fri 23 December, 2022 Filed under: Domestic, Getting Organised, Green 3 Comments »Earlier this week I finally took my (currently) last load of cardboard to the local recycling facility. (Or “tip” as it used to be known) It was, I think, the last stage of the whole moving process, although I’ve kept the cardboard moving boxes just in case.
All told it’s been four carloads, and I’ve spread that over a few weeks (mainly through my own idleness and disorganisation, admittedly) so it’s taken time, but it’s been good and pain-free, which is what matters. One thing you can say for Ikea – fucking hell they use a lot of cardboard! The packaging for three bookcases, a bed, a wardrobe, two chairs and a sofa takes up a fair amount of space.
Thankfully I’ve had the garage to hold the cardboard in the meantime, rather than it clogging up the house – although that also contributes to why it took longer to get done, as it was a case of “out of sight, out of mind”.
Anyway, I’m happy that the jobs are done. It’s a good feeling.
Posted: Wed 21 December, 2022 Filed under: Depression, Domestic, SAD Leave a comment »In happier news, today is the Winter Solstice (at least in the Northern Hemisphere) so it’s the shortest day. This year that shortest day is 7 hours 49 minutes and 49 seconds.
The changes are (as always) tiny for a while, but it’s at least good to know that we’re done with the shortest one and that we’re heading back towards the time of sunlight…