I hate “About Me” pages. But they seem to be necessary. So here goes.
I’m Lyle, and I’ve been writing this rubbish since August 2002. And somehow it’s still going on.
August 2013 to current
Still living in the same place, but working in a number of places, being back to being an IT Contractor again. It’s all been about rebuilding post-bankruptcy, keeping some things stable and letting other bits stay as random as manageable.
There’s a way to go yet, but it’s been a pretty positive experience, all things considered. Some jobs have been good, some have been shit. Sometimes finances have been great, other times they’ve been shit – but never as bad as pre-bankruptcy. I owe nothing to anyone, and that’s the way I like it.
May 2012 to August 2013
Living between Bedford and Milton Keynes, just me and my two cats. I work just outside Luton, which means my commute has been massively reduced. There’s been a lot of upheaval this year (and the last couple, to be honest) so I’m hoping to stay put for a while and not make too many changes.
D4D™ has been a bit subdued over the last couple of years, what with one thing and another, but I’m still working on writing more, both here and elsewhere.
The final part of this phase was declaring myself bankrupt in August 2012, which lasted (officially) ’til August 2013, and then it’s just been about dealing with the after-effects.
October 2010 – May 2012
I spent two and a bit years living just outside Bury St Edmunds in Suffolk with my (un-named on D4D) partner M, two Labradoodles, and three cats. It makes for an interesting life. Oh, and mainly worked in London, doing a daily commute of about 85 miles each way. (75 by car in an hour-ish, 10 by Tube in – um – an hour-ish) That made for long days, and a very knackered Lyle – which started the reduction in posts on D4D.
December 2007 – October 2010
Before that, I lived in Norfolk with Herself, and her two insane animals – Hound and Psycho Cat. There’s a theme developing here, isn’t there?
January 2005 – December 2007
With Herself, but in Bracknell, one of Dante’s seven levels of hell. Particularly bad if you’re phobic about roundabouts.
August 2002 – January 2005
Manchester, in two different houses. (having moved once the first one had been broken into twice)
Other than that, there’s always a lot going on in my world. Some of it is irrelevant, some of it concerns business plans etc., and can’t be discussed, but the rest of it is pretty much open game.