Carnage – or Gift of “Love” part 2

Following on from my post the other day regarding being greeted on my return home by a pile of feathers, this morning I came downstairs to this…

Three bird corpses on a doormat

Three bird corpses on a doormat

Yeah, thanks for that, cats.

The thing that pisses me off the most with this is related to the great lie about “Only humans kill things for fun”. It’s so blatantly untrue. In this case, the cats aren’t hungry, they just wanted to kill things. There was plenty of meat etc. remaining. Foxes do the same – they don’t kill one chicken because they’re hungry – they kill all of them, because it’s fun.

I know, they’re cats. Blah blah blah. But still, a totally pointless piece of killing.


2 Comments on “Carnage – or Gift of “Love” part 2”

  1. Blue Witch says:

    Have you spoken to them about this situation? I’ve never had a cat that couldn’t be trained with a few very stern words and hand gestures (repeated whenever stalking situations were seen) applied next to the site of killing.

    Ah – wait, yes there was one. She was my favourite.

    Maybe you love your cats too much to tell them off? A bit like most modern parents…

  2. lyle says:

    Oh no, they got told off, and were made very aware of how pissed off I was.

    However, I couldn’t see the stalking situation, as they’d done this overnight, and it was my morning gift.

    I’m just happy that I didn’t step in/on any of the bits.

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