A Gift of “Love”

Last night, I’d been out at the cinema, and came home to what can only be described as a load of feathers in the front room.

I’m not sure which cat had brought in the bird. From the state of the feathers, it was only a young one, so I’m assuming it had fallen out of a nest somewhere and been brought home.

Far, far more worrying is that I can’t find any sign of the remains. I’ve checked through the living room (including behind the sofa, under book cases etc.) and the rest of the house, but there’s nothing.  Not even the “beak and feet” option, which I’ve seen with other cats in the past.

So it’s either a) escaped, b) been wholly eaten or c) the remains are very well hidden.  B currently seems far more likely, and I’ll only find out about c if/when it starts to smell…

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