Paying Attention
Posted: Sun 5 May, 2013 Filed under: Domestic, Driving, Thoughts, Weirdness Leave a comment »A few months back when I got the Saab, I thought they weren’t all that common. I’ve always liked them through the years, so I usually noticed them when they were around. (This might also have something to do with the absolutely vile colour-schemes a lot of them tend to possess) All the same, I didn’t see them that often – and I was doing a lot of miles at the time. Of course, I’m still doing a fair amount of mileage, but no more than I was doing before.
Anyway, now I own the Saab, I can’t take a damn journey without seeing at least a couple. Not necessarily the same 95 model as mine (although even that’s not uncommon) but definitely the 93 in its various guises.
I know the whole theory of familiarity, that you notice things more because you’re also doing them – hence seeing the same type of car as your own, or how everyone’s having kids if you are, etc. etc. – and I’m sure that’s what’s happening, but all the same, it feels very odd indeed.