Posted: Thu 4 March, 2010 | Author: Lyle | Filed under: Sociable, Work-related |2 Comments »Tonight after work I’m actually socialising with ’em too, and we’ll be off ten-pin bowling.
As has been previously noted, I’m not the most sociable of people when it comes to colleagues, so this comes as almost as much of a surprise to me as it did to Herself when I told her.
Still, it should be amusing one way or t’other.
Dude, what the hell is going on with you? First you get a steady job, then you’re made a manager (in all but title, granted), now you’re socialising with your workmates?!
The Lyle we knew is truly gone. IMPOSTOR!
Matey, no-one’s more surprised than me about the developments of the last six months!