Crunch – Ongoing Debacle

The hire car got collected on Monday, and I was expecting to have my car back the same day. It’d been promised as such by the poxy bodyshop.

Only of course that’s not what happened.

They called me on Monday afternoon – well after the hire car had been collected – to say that “the computer hadn’t ordered things properly”, they were missing some parts that were needed for irrelevant shit like attaching the front bumper. So it wouldn’t be ready on Monday. No chance. Everything would be delivered on Tuesday, then they’d deliver the car to me.

Noon on Tuesday, they called to say that everything had arrived, it was all fitted, and they were going to get it cleaned before delivering it to me. Great.

Ten past noon, the manager called to say Um, actually, he’d taken my car from where it was parked to go to wherever it was for cleaning the car, and had scratched/dented the front wing on another car. Fuck me, crash damage while in the bodyshop – that’s got to be a novelty, if not a first.

Anyway, because it’s knackered, they tried getting a rental car for me, except no-one had one available. Fortunately they’ve eventually found a courtesy car for me to use – free of charge – while they finish everything off.

Even better, because they’ve made such a monumental fuckup of the entire thing, and already cost me two days off work (we’ll gloss over the entire “working from home” thing, shall we? Heh) they’re now also repairing/repainting all the other scratches I’ve built up on the car over the last three years.

So we’ll see what happens from here. I’ve got the courtesy car so I can get to and from work again. They’re currently saying it’ll be Friday now for the work to be done – I’m not holding my breath on that score, to be honest. But at least I’m back to being mobile, able to get to work and so on.

And once I do get my car back, it’ll be back to how it was when I bought it, and for no further cost than the insurance excess.

So while it’s all a bit of a clusterfuck, I think I’ll come out of it OK in the end. Fingers crossed.

One Comment on “Crunch – Ongoing Debacle”

  1. Richard Cresswell says:

    Sadly our insurance put us in contact with the Diss office too. They took 2 days to get back to us. Luckily the car is still drivable so we elected to wait until the repairers could fit us in. I phoned Diss and they offered to transfer it to the Ipswich branch so they can meet us at the repairers with the car. Our accident was the same day as yours – its taken this long to get a slot at the repairers. I’m just hoping that Ipswich branch are a bit more together than the Diss lot!

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