Email Fuckwittage

Following on from the post a while back about the Marketing Manager for the Ireland distributor of a Japanese car sending out a marketing email with all the addresses CCd in instead of BCCd, I’ve had a couple more instances this week of email fuckwittage.

First of all, an email from a recruiter at Modis International (an Agency I dealt with once) who pimped out an email again using CC instead of BCC to throw it to loads of people. Even better, there were a number of fuckwits who then exacerbated the situation by using ‘Reply to All’ rather than ‘Reply’, and thus ended up spamming everyone themselves.

The second instance is even better though – at work, we’ve been setting up a secure site with SSL, and the company being used for the SSL certificate tried to email the equivalent of instead of . And tried it three times, without understanding what the problem was.

So all told, it’s been a bit of a week for fuckwits.

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